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Google Base

OK, I need to start this subject since nobody else has discussed
anything yet on the mailing list. Do you guys know about Google Base?:
Google our big hacker friend that helps us to find malicious scripts and
open proxies just like that. Well, Google has a new service: Google
Base. And there are many cool stuff that you can do with it.

First of all I would like to mention that Google Base is sort of
database where you can put whatever information you want: you can blog,
you can post your advisories there, you can write awesome worms that
upload and read commands from there, you can even use it as the biggest
rainbow table in the world that can crack any hash in less than a
second. check it out: http://base.google.com

I was playing around with goggle base and I must say I am quite
impressed and in the same time scared to death. Goggle base is the most
amazing thing I have seen for a while and it can be used for many
different things.

Now here is a list that I built for you how to use goggle base for your
own good:

* Brute forcer - massive storage for mare mortals.
* Keep your exploits
* Keep your code fragments
* Keep your advisories and security notes
* Log there :)
* Write a book (Goggle Book) :)
* You can write even a Game Book.
* Write a game and store its data on goggle base
* Use it to hold your secret hacker tools (with encryption) :) just joking
* Make a goggle base forum
* Make a security list

If you have more ideas how to use and abuse goggle base service, just
contribute to the thread. Of course we all have to be responsible. This
is the reason why I believe that this early notice about goggle base
power is fair enough.
