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@System Security Conference

I wish to inform you that this year in Pisa (Italy) there will be the third @System Security Conference (http://www.atsystem.org) in 13th October. This meeting was born with the aim to discover and speek about the new IT-Security borders. The main focus of this year will be Mobile&Wireless Security, because we belive in its strategic role in our day lifes.
Here the program conference program:

9.00 Briefing.
9.15. Meeting Presentation.


9.45. Mobile System
- Using cellular phone for authentication - A case study: bill paying. Prof. Dini - Computer Engineering Department.
   - Smartphone and Secure Applications -  Alessandro Faleni - IIT CNR.
10.45. *WiFi 802.11i e WIMAX 802.16d: Risk Analysis and Solutions.
           D. Costanigro - Cisco System Italia.
           E.Albertin - HP Italia.*

*- Coffee Break*

*12.15 Location-based Wireless Security. R.Bianchini - Cisco System Italia.
12.45  Wireless Hacking LIVE!  - buffer <buffer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Lunch
15.00 OpenSolaris & Security . G.Tufano - Sun Microsystem Italia.

*Track 1
15.30 Linux Kernel Security - A case study: GrSecurity Patch - M. Falsetti.*

*Track 2.
ClamAV Antivirus - T.Kojm - ClamAV Project Leader.
Virus Filtering with Clamav - L.Gibelli. ClamAV Developer.
Track 3.
15.30. J2ME Security -  E.Schepis - Sun Microsystem Italia.
A case study : Sign-IT . A framework for Mobile signing and ciphering - A.Castrucci - CNR Pisa.
Track 4.
15.30   .Net Security - A.Cisternino - CS Department Pisa.
Developing secure application with ASP 2.0 - *G.Guerrasio Developer Evangelist Microsoft.
