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PostNuke Critical SQL Injection and XSS 0.750=>x

-=[ Critical SQL injection and XSS in PostNuke ]=-

Author: sp3x
Date: 27. May 2005

Affected software :
PostNuke version : x=> 0.750

Description :
PostNuke is an open source, open developement content management system
(CMS). PostNuke started as a fork from PHPNuke (http://www.phpnuke.org) and
provides many enhancements and improvements over the PHP-Nuke system. PostNuke
is still undergoing development but a large number of core functions are now
stabilising and a complete API for third-party developers is now in place.
If you would like to help develop this software, please visit our homepage
at http://noc.postnuke.com/
You can also visit us on our IRC Server irc.postnuke.com channel
Or at the Community Forums located at:

Vulnerabilities :

Critical SQL injection :

Code :


$sql = "SELECT $column[msg_id] AS \"msg_id\",
                                        $column[msg_image] AS \"msg_image\",
                                        $column[subject] AS \"subject\",
                                        $column[from_userid] AS \"from_userid\",
                                        $column[to_userid] AS \"to_userid\",
                                        $column[msg_time] AS \"msg_time\",
                                        $column[msg_text] AS \"msg_text\",
                                        $column[read_msg] AS \"read_msg\"
                        FROM $pntable[priv_msgs]
            WHERE $column[to_userid]='" . (int)pnVarPrepForStore($userdata) . 

    $resultID =& $dbconn->SelectLimit($sql,1,$start);
    if($dbconn->ErrorNo()<>0) {
        error_log("DB Error: " . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
        echo $dbconn->ErrorMsg() . "<br />";

First lets login -in as user in postnuke. Then send the message to yourself.
After that go to :

Note :
total_messages=1 - the id of total_messages must exist

Now you will see this error message 

error message :
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your 
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[SQL injection],1' at 
line 10

Exploit SQL injection :


And we can see the admin md5 password and nick :)

Cross-site scripting - XSS :

Thanks to error message we can also perform XSS attacks :)

Example :

 and sp3x - SecurityReason</h1>&total_messages=1

And we get :

error message :
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your 
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''[Our XSS],1' at line 10

How to fix :

PNSA 2005-2
Security Fix (changed files only) for PostNuke 0.750 (tar.gz format)
SHA1: 6e76d92124c833618d02dfdb87d699374120967d
MD5: a007e741be11389a986b1d8928a6c0e5
Size: 160550 Bytes

or CVS

Greets :

cXIb8O3 and pkw :)

Contact :
