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Software PBLang 4.65 search.php XSS vulnerability

 [] HRG - Hackerlounge Research Group 
 [] Release: HRG001 
 [] Friday 11-02-05  
 [] Software PBLang 4.65 search.php XSS vulnerability  
 [] The author can't be held responsible for any 
 [] done by a reader. You have your own resonsibility  
 [] Please use this document like it's meant to.  
 Vulnerable: PBLang 4.65 (current) (and earlier?)  
 General information:  
 PBLang is an international BBS-software based on 
PHP. It does not require any database but bases on a 
flatfile system. Many professional features. More 
info on the project website.  
 The search.php script is vulnerable to a XSS attack 
by a remote attacker. The searched string is not 
filtered for any harmfull characters like < > and ". 
This makes it possible for an attacker to trick a 
user into going to a harmfull page and stealing a 
 Proof Of Concept:  
 Type in the search box "&lt;script 
language="javascript">alert("Hackerlounge.com pwns 
joo");&lt;/script&gt;" and submit. An alertbox with the 
text "Hackerlounge.com pwns joo" should come up. 
 Fix and Vendor status:  
The vendor has been notified, expect an official 
patch soon. 
HRG (Hackerlounge Research Group). 
 [] HRG - Hackerlounge Research Group 
 [] Release: HRG001 
 [] Friday 11-02-05  
 [] Software PBLang 4.65 search.php XSS vulnerability  
 [] The author can't be held responsible for any 
 [] done by a reader. You have your own resonsibility  
 [] Please use this document like it's meant to.  