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Re: vbulletin 3.0.x PHP code execution

On 13 Feb 2005 17:16:35 -0000, AL3NDALEEB <al3ndaleeb@xxxxxxx> wrote:

The 4th condition is the most hard to find condition in php installation. There is a technique to by pass magic quote condition by supplying nested variable to $comma. Since I've no vbulletin source code to test with this technique is not confirmed in this vulnerability.


It is never tested to real

Vulnerable Systems:
 vBulletin version 3.0 up to and including version 3.0.4

 Immune systems:
 vBulletin version 3.0.5
 vBulletin version 3.0.6

 Vulnerable code in forumdisplay.php :
 if ($vboptions['showforumusers'])

 if ($bbuserinfo['userid'])
    $comma = ', ';
 while ($loggedin = $DB_site->fetch_array($forumusers))
eval('$activeusers .= "' . $comma . fetch_template('forumdisplay_loggedinuser') . '";'); <<==== (Vuln)
    $comma = ', ';


1st condition : $vboptions['showforumusers'] == True , the admin must set
showforumusers ON in vbulletin options.
2nd condition : $bbuserinfo['userid'] == 0 , you must be an visitor/guest
 3rd condition  : $DB_site->fetch_array($forumusers) == True , when you
visit the forums, it  must has at least one user show the forum.
 4th condition   : magic_quotes_gpc must be OFF
 SPECIAL condition : you must bypass unset($GLOBALS["$_arrykey"]) code in
init.php by secret array GLOBALS[]=1 ;)))

 * Disable showforumusers in vbulletin options .
 * add the next line before if ($vboptions['showforumusers'])
     $comma = '';

example :

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