A supposed PoC for a vulnerability discovered by ned of felinemenace.org over a week ago, using his Python port of my mangleme utility (the utility itself released some two weeks ago). I'm taking this opportunity to do some whoring because the author indicated that his original post bounced off BUGTRAQ due to "illegal" Content-Type of text/html. /mz ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 01:41:43 +0100 From: Berend-Jan Wever <skylined@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: MSIE <IFRAME> and <FRAME> tag NAME property bufferoverflow PoC exploit (was: python does mangleme (with IE bugs!)) Since nobody else posted an exploit I figured I might aswell slap the BoF together with my default exploit JavaScript for the scriptkiddies to rejoice and the sysadmins to worry about. <TECHNICAL> The JavaScript creates a large amount of heap-blocks filled with 0x0D byte nopslides followed by the shellcode. This is to make sure [0x0D0D0D0D] == 0x0D0D0D0D. It's not the most efficient thing in the world but it works like a charm for most IE bugs. The BoF sets eax to 0x0D0D0D0D after which this code gets executed: 7178EC02 8B08 MOV ECX, DWORD PTR [EAX] [0x0D0D0D0D] == 0x0D0D0D0D, so ecx = 0x0D0D0D0D. 7178EC04 68 847B7071 PUSH 71707B84 7178EC09 50 PUSH EAX 7178EC0A FF11 CALL NEAR DWORD PTR [ECX] Again [0x0D0D0D0D] == 0x0D0D0D0D, so we jump to 0x0D0D0D0D. We land inside one of the nopslide and slide on down to the shellcode. The shellcode is of the portbinding type, port 28876 to be exact. So now you know when to send me a happy birthday email... The exploit will work with the <FRAME> and <IFRAME> tag, attached file uses <IFRAME> </TECHNICAL> <DUMMIES> For all you guys that cannot setup their AV software right, you can download the attachment from one of the many mirrors of this list. </DUMMIES> Cheers, SkyLined
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