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RE: Update: Web browsers - a mini-farce (MSIE gives in)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michal Zalewski [mailto:lcamtuf@xxxxxxxxxxx]

> ******************************************************************
> * This means that VIRTUALLY EVERY BROWSER IN USE TODAY is unable *
> * to securely render HTML. Keeping in mind that not only web     *
> * browsing, but also integrated e-mail is at risk, it is a grim  *
> * thought.                                                       *
> ******************************************************************

This has been a basic pet peeve of mine for years -- even before web
browsers came on the scene. How many times have you seen a word processor
crash due to an unfortunate sequence of commands or opening a corrupted
file, for example?  I think that kind of behavior is just unacceptable.
Software should be able to deal with any input that's thrown at it.