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Re: Java applet crashing with native assertion

This also crashes Firefox 0.8 with j2re 1.4.2_04 on RH9/x86 with the following:

 const void * fileFontObject::ReadChunk(UInt32, UInt32, void * = 0): Assertion 
`offset < fFileSize' failed.
INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Pipe closed during read? State may be corrupt
System error?:: Success

Of course the whole idea is that Java apps will behave the same on all
supported platforms, right? :)


On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 09:11:53PM +0200, Marc Schoenefeld wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> this is a Java One special:
> Three months ago I informed Sun Microsystems
> about an applet alerting with a native win32 assertion
> (Expression: offset < fFileSize
> For information on how your program can cause an
> assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation
> on asserts...) .
> If the users opts for cancel, it is crashing the browser
> which started the applet.
> The applet can be tried at the following URL:
> http://www.illegalaccess.org/cms/?q=node/view/9
> [How] does it crash on other platforms ? Please mail me
> your experiences with it ...
> Marc
> - --
> Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the
> ark; professionals built the Titanic. -- Anonymous
> Marc Sch?nefeld Dipl. Wirtsch.-Inf. / Software Developer
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