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[0xbadc0ded #04] smtp.proxy <= 1.1.3

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0xbadc0ded Advisory #04 - 2004/06/10 - smtp.proxy <= 1.1.3

Reference      http://0xbadc0ded.org/advisories/0402.txt
PGP-key        http://0xbadc0ded.org/advisories/pubkey.asc

Application    smtp.proxy <= 1.1.3
Discovered By  Joel Eriksson <je@xxxxxxxxxx>
Researched By  Joel Eriksson <je@xxxxxxxxxx>


  smtp.proxy is an application level gateway for SMTP. It assures that
  the data received from the client fulfills the protocol specification
  before forwarding it to the server. It also offers email address
  control so that only certain sender or recipient addresses is allowed
  and can optionally remove the 'Received:' lines from the mail header.


  A remotely exploitable format string vulnerability exists in smtp.proxy
  up to and including version 1.1.3. The bug is present and exploitable
  regardless of any compile time and runtime configuration options.

  The bug can be exploited by sending a message with an embedded
  format string in either the client hostname or the message-id, the
  userspecified message-id string is obviously the most convenient to
  use though. The sender address (smtp command "mail from:") is also part
  of the format string, but the string is filtered for '%'-chars so it
  cannot be used.

  The vulnerability is caused by this piece of code in smtp.c:

    snprintf (line, sizeof(line) - 2, "client= %s, sender= %s, nrcpt= %d,
                    size= %ld, jobid= <%s>, message-id= <%s>, status= %d",
          x->client, x->sender, x->nrcpt, x->size,
          x->jobid, x->msgid, rc);
    // echoline(stdout, line, 0);
    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, line);

  The line to be logged is first formatted with snprintf() and then sent
  to syslog() and parsed as a format string. Since the 'line' buffer is
  a local variable and thus placed on the stack, arbitrary addresses can
  be embedded into the buffer and the data on those addresses can be
  written to by using the %*n format string specifiers.


  An exploit has been developed, but will be kept private for now.
  Those who share our interest for exploit development may find the
  following description interesting though.

  Since smtp.proxy is started from a superserver, like inetd, the stack
  offsets will remain constant and an attacker can use bruteforcing to
  determine the unknown parameters required to exploit the vulnerability.

  This means that even though it is a blind format string attack (the
  output is not written back to the client) it can still be exploited
  reliably by determining exploit parameters step by step. The unknown
  parameters are (in the order they can be determined):

  1. Offset to the format string on the stack (for embedding addresses)
  2. Address to a function pointer or saved return address
  3. Address to the shellcode

  Determining the offset to the format string can be done by embedding
  a known non-writable address in the message-id and attempting to write
  into it with %*n at different stack offsets. For each offset that
  causes a crash, embed a known writable addr (e.g. some high stack addr,
  like 0xbffffffc for vanilla Linux/x86), and try again with the same
  offset. If the daemon doesn't crash this time we have found it.

  To determine the address of a function pointer we could either try to
  find a saved return-address on the stack or the address of a suitable
  GOT-entry by bruteforcing it. To decrease the number of attempts needed
  we could use multiple writes. To see if the address is readable, so we
  don't just try to write to non-mapped memory, we can use %*s. If we
  cause a crash when writing to a certain (readable, and thus mapped)
  address, these are the three most likely possibilities:

  - We have tried to write to a read-only page
  - We have written to a pointer that is dereferenced
  - We have written to a function pointer or saved return address

  We can determine if we have written to a read-only page by attempting
  to write to surrounding addresses, if those writes also causes crashes
  this is almost certainly the case.

  Determining if we have written to a pointer that is dereferenced, or
  perhaps an integer representing an array index or the length of a
  buffer, is harder. If we don't cause a crash when overwriting with a
  small integer or with a known readable and writable address we can
  assume that we have not overwritten a function pointer and continue our
  search. By writing the address we're writing into with the address to
  itself we can also survive double dereferences.

  If we pass the tests above (e.g. we still cause a crash when overwriting
  with small integer values and other valid addresses, including the
  address we write into to see if we have overwritten a pointer to a
  pointer) then we can be reasonably sure that we have found a function
  pointer. Let's start searching for our shellcode.

  If we have embedded our code into the message-id it will be located on
  both the heap in a malloc()'ed buffer and on the stack. The message-id
  buffer is only 200 bytes large though, so unless the host has a
  non-executable stack we are better off embedding our code in the 2048
  bytes large line buffer on the stack in receive_data()'s stack frame.

  Since fgets() is used to read lines, we can use a line like:


  to terminate the message. A single dot indicates the end of the message
  after the DATA-command has been sent. fgets() ignores NUL-bytes and
  reads bytes into the buffer until a newline has been read or until the
  buffer is full. This means we can stuff 2046 bytes of NOPs + shellcode
  into the buffer, and thus use a stepsize of 2046 minus the length of the
  shellcode when bruteforcing the shellcode address on the stack to be
  certain to hit it.


  Upgrade to smtp.proxy 1.3.3. When this vulnerability was discovered 1.1.3
  was the latest announced version, and it is still the version available from:


  The author, Wolfgang Zekoll, has informed me of the previously unannounced
  version 1.3.3, that is not vulnerable for this problem. After waiting over
  one week for a response from the author that he has officially announced
  version 1.3.3 we discovered that he announced it the same day as we reported
  the problem. The page above is not yet updated, but version 1.3.3 is available


  Make sure you check that the URL is at quietsche-entchen.de before following
  the download URL though, since it's a Wiki and anyone can edit the page...

Disclosure Timeline

  2004/06/01 Notified the smtp.proxy developer (Wolfgang Zekoll)
  2004/06/10 Public release

The 0xbadc0ded.org team is hosted and sponsored by Bitnux: www.bitnux.com

Bitnux is a company located in Sweden focused on security
research and system development. We offer services such as:

  - Code Reviews
  - Exploit Development
  - Reverse Engineering of Code
  - Security Revisions of Systems and Software
  - Custom System Development for Unix/Linux/BSD and Windows

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Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
