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Aspell 'word-list-compress' stack overflow vulnerability


Product:      word-list-compress / part of aspell 
Versions:     All
Bug:          Stack overflow
Impact:       Run arbitrary code with privs of target
Risk:         Low
Date:         June 8, 2004
Author:       shaun2k2


Aspell was intended as a more accurate and robust
replacement for the popular ispell package, and was
written by GNU.  Aspell includes a small utility for
compressing and decompressing wordlists before
processing by aspell, namely 'word-list-compress'.

Due to insufficient bounds checking, a malformed
wordlist can cause for a stack based buffer overflow
to occur, possibly allowing execution of arbitrary
code with the privileges of the invoking user.


The word-list-compress utility provides two options --
decompression of wordlists and compression of
wordlists.  When processing wordlists supplied with
either option, due to lack of bounds checking, a
buffer overflow could occur, should a word exceeding
256 bytes be present in the user-supplied wordlist.

The offending code lays below.

--- vulnerable code ---
else if (argv[1][0] == 'c') {

    char s1[256];
    char s2[256];
    char * prev = s2;
    char * cur = s1;
    *prev = '\0';

    SETBIN (stdout);

  /* BUG 1: no checks are made to prevent getting
     more than 256 bytes via get_word() */
    while (get_word(stdin, cur)) {
      int i = 0;
      /* get the length of the prefix */
      while (prev[i] != '\0' && cur[i] != '\0' &&
prev[i] == cur[i])
      if (i > 31) {
        putc('\0', stdout);
      putc(i+1, stdout);
      fputs(cur+i, stdout);
      if (cur == s1) {
        prev = s1; cur = s2;
      } else {
        prev = s2; cur = s1;
    return 0;

  } else if (argv[1][0] == 'd') {
    char cur[256];
    int i;
    int c;

    SETBIN (stdin);

    i = getc(stdin);
    while (i != -1 ) {
      if (i == 0)
        i = getc(stdin);

      /* BUG 2: no check is made to prevent against
         writing more than 256 bytes into the fixed
         length buffers */
      while ((c = getc(stdin)) > 32)
        cur[i++] = (char)c;
      cur[i] = '\0';
      fputs(cur, stdout);
      putc('\n', stdout);
      i = c;
    return 0;
--- EOF ---

The get_word() routine is called continually when
acting upon 'c' (compress) until the user-supplied
string ends.  In option 'd' (decompress), characters
are written into a fixed length buffer ('cur'). 
However, no checks in the while() loops are present to
ensure that the number of characters in each 'word'
exceed 256 bytes, thus resulting in a potential buffer
overflow, such should a condition arise.

If a user was able to influence the contents of
another users wordlist/dictionary file, the user could
craft a malicious word entry exceeding 256 bytes to
execute arbitrary code.  When word-list-compress is
then called by a targetted user, the malicious
wordlist entry would trigger to overflow, optionally
running arbitrary code with the privileges of the


Assuming a user had sufficient privileges to influence
the contents of a users wordlist, a malicious word
entry could be crafted in the form of a normal exploit

To reproduce the issues described above, issue the
below commands.

bash$ echo `perl -e 'print "a"x1000'` |
word-list-compress c

bash$ echo `perl -e 'print "a"x1000'` |
word-list-compress d

Each subsequent command should produce a segmentation
fault.  By examining the core file, it should be
apparent that influence of program flow is easily

The major mitigating factor is the access the
malicious user requires to a users dictionary file. 
However, if a malicious user could social engineer a
user into using their specially crafted wordlist with
word-list-compress, an issue would still exist.


Kevin Atkinson, package maintainer, was contacted a
significant amount of time ago, but no reply was
received, and the issues still exist in the latest
release of aspell.

The below patch file fixes the issues.

--- aspell-bug.patch ---
--- compress.orig.c     2004-06-08 16:37:00.000000000
+++ compress.c  2004-06-08 16:34:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
+int count; 
 void usage () 
   fputs("Compresses or uncompresses sorted word
lists.\n"     , stderr);
@@ -47,6 +50,7 @@
     *w++ = (char)(c);
   } while (c = getc(in), c != EOF && c > 32);
   *w = '\0';
+  count++;
   ungetc(c, in);
   if (c == EOF) return 0;
   else return 1;
@@ -69,6 +73,7 @@
     SETBIN (stdout);
+    while(count < 256) {
     while (get_word(stdin, cur)) {
       int i = 0;
       /* get the length of the prefix */
@@ -85,6 +90,7 @@
        prev = s2; cur = s1;
+    }
     return 0;
   } else if (argv[1][0] == 'd') {
@@ -100,8 +106,11 @@
       if (i == 0)
        i = getc(stdin);
-      while ((c = getc(stdin)) > 32)
+      while ((c = getc(stdin)) > 32 && count < 256) {

        cur[i++] = (char)c;
+       count++;
+    }
       cur[i] = '\0';
       fputs(cur, stdout);
       putc('\n', stdout);
--- EOF ---

Apply the patch, and rebuild aspell.

Thank you for your time.

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