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TSSA-2004-008 - apache

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                       Security  Advisory  #2004-008

 Package names:     apache
 Summary:           Boundary Condition Error 
 Advisory ID:       TSSA-2004-008
 Date:              2004-06-02
 Affected versions: tinysofa enterprise server 1.0
                    tinysofa enterprise server 1.0-U1


 Security Fixes


  * Georgi Guninski discovered [1] a stack-based buffer overflow in
    the "SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth" implementation of Apache's SSL/TLS
    extension module mod_ssl [0]. The overflow can occur if the Subject-DN
    in the client certificate exceeds 6KB in length and mod_ssl is
    configured to trust the issuing CA. The Common Vulnerabilities and
    Exposures (CVE) project assigned the id CAN-2004-0488 [2] to the

  [0] http://www.modssl.org/
  [1] http://lists.netsys.com/pipermail/full-disclosure/2004-May/021610.html
  [2] http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CAN-2004-0488

 Recommended Action

  We recommend that all systems with these packages installed be upgraded.
  Please note that if you do not need the functionality provided by this
  package, you may want to remove it from your system.


  All tinysofa updates are available from

 Automatic Updates

  Users of the SWUP tool can enjoy having updates automatically
  installed using 'swup --upgrade'.


  Check out our mailing lists:


  This advisory is signed with the tinysofa security sign key.
  This key is available from:

  All tinysofa packages are signed with the tinysofa stable sign key.
  This key is available from:

  The advisory is available from the tinysofa errata database at
  or directly at

 MD5sums Of The Packages

  b3ba8a04271c9b998527088b795fefdc  apache-2.0.49-9ts.i586.rpm
  2503a219d5bab57badd24df4c65c8647  apache-dbm-2.0.49-9ts.i586.rpm
  8186ab1bdea195361f728e7a2251328a  apache-devel-2.0.49-9ts.i586.rpm
  3386f280b2ee1589eb1010d7a0d2ec35  apache-manual-2.0.49-9ts.i586.rpm
  3e9e97b467af635997066bffc4fbbec8  apr-0.9.5-9ts.i586.rpm
  7175e597215b0708ebd79c34e656d5c7  apr-devel-0.9.5-9ts.i586.rpm
  c553f65ab1b16124171ea0f0c800102a  apr-util-0.9.5-9ts.i586.rpm
  742f59fc0f3cc5f05cc3414c1b20db97  apr-util-devel-0.9.5-9ts.i586.rpm

 tinysofa Security Team <security at tinysofa dot org>

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