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Re: a litle bypass with IE

Nuno Costa wrote :-

> hello
> im not a expert in this area, but i work in a intranet that haves the 
> Squid/2.3.STABLE5 filtring all access's to the internet.. 
> so i don't have access to the internet directaly, but i know that this 
> proxy allow access to especific web sites.. so, in the past if i us 
> this:
> http://url@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -> the vuln that is already discovered... 
> > i have access to the website that i want...
> but in this days, this vuln is now fixed so...
> in my test's i found this way to pass this proxy, using:
> http://@@website_allowed.pt@my_url -> now i have access...
> using @@url.pt@ i can bypass the proxy and access the internet, i don't 
> know how faur, this could go!!
> so i don't know if this is a bug from IE or just a simple bug from 
> Squid.. ??? can anyone tell what we have in hands ?
> PS: sorry my inglish

Out of interest, do you happen to know if your proxy also uses Dansguardian?  I 
ask because I work for the company behind CensorNet 
(www.censornet.com) and we recently had to make a modification to the 
Dansguardian code in order that the school kids that form the vast 
bulk of our user base couldn't get to prohibited sites by the slight of putting 
a trailing dot at the end of the url they wanted to visit.

We've fixed things such that invalid url's are no longer possible.  I ask 
because, our Access Denied page also claims to be a service provided 
by Squid/2.3 STABLE5.  Yet the problem was with DG and not Squid.


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