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Re: Apache - all versions vulnerability in OLD procesors.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 08:12:26PM -0000, Adam Zabrocki wrote:
> Hello
>     In OLD procesors (i mean like x286 and some version x386) when the
> sizeof (unsigned long) == sizeof (unsgined int) there is bug becouse it's
> 2 bytes and... 2*16=32


Yes, you are talking about 16-bit processors, where the word size was 16
bits (two bytes), and sizeof(int) == 2.  However, I can't remember any C
compilers for Intel x86 processors where sizeof(long) != 4.  Yes, 'int' was
a 16-bit type, but IIRC, 'long' has always been a 32-bit type (a so-called
DWORD back then) - just as the C standard requires, as others mentioned.

> but i don't have in this time box with that
> procesors for research this situactions and this is only theory that bug
> becouse i don't know whether apache we can run on this OLD procesors.

It's not just a matter of processors.  You have to have OS support for
sockets and stuff.  Yes, this can be done under Windows in 16-bit mode or
MS-DOS with the appropriate socket library, like WATTCP -

Still, see above for the reasons this will NOT be a problem even then.
sizeof(long) >= 4, and that's that.


Peter Pentchev  roam@xxxxxxxxxxx    roam@xxxxxxxx    roam@xxxxxxxxxxx
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