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Re: After Ms patches last Wed ...

Zitat von phaser-X <px@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

> I had a different issue after Wednesdays updates.  Two win2k computers in
> my office were rendered useless after the patch.  They were fine before,
> but as soon as the patch finished and the PC was rebooted, the CPU usage
> was 100% and nothing could be done.  I left both PC's sitting for about 20
> minutes and the 100% CPU usage never came down.  Another coworker said he
> had the same issue with his home PC and he was eventually able to get into
> the task manager and noticed that the system process was taking up 99-100%
> of the CPU.
> Anyone else experience this issue?

A similar one.
When I login to my recently patched box, the start menu and everything on the
desktop isnt accesible, until I start the task manager and kill a process, it
does not matter which one...

> -pX
> On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 aborg@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi ..
> >
> > Is anyone else having time problems on their networks?
> >
> > Yesterday (Thu) I had approx 50% of my users unable to login because "the
> > time on the client and server are different" and I could not figure out a
> > way to solve it.  Some people managed to login but could not get access to
> > shared resources; others could not login at all.  I tried syncing the time
> > but that didn't work and several other things I tried didn't seem to work.
> > Having said that, I managed to get them operational after lots of cursing
> > but I can't say what it was that I did that solved it.  I thought about the
> > new patches from MS and read all there is about them to see if they affect
> > logins/Kerberos/time service but it doesn't seem to be the case.
> >
> > This morning, I found a MS white paper
> > (http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/docs/_Toc528382509) which explains
> > how an "Access is denied" message can appear if RPC fails to authenticate
> > and I started thinking about those patches again.  Can anyone help shed
> > some light on this?  I fail to believe that I'm the only one on the planet
> > who got negatively affected by these patches, so either I'm the first to
> > mention it or I'm the only one with a skewed set of network settings!
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > Antoine Borg
> > Network Administrator
> >
> > Malta Communications Authority
> > Suite 43/44, "Il-Piazzetta"
> > Tower Road
> > Sliema SLM 16
> > Malta G.C.
> >
> > ---------
> > "There is something about inevitability that offends human nature.  Man is
> > a creature of hope and invention, both of which belie the idea that things
> > cannot be changed. But man is also a creature prone to error, and sometimes
> > that makes inevitable the things that he so often seeks to avoid."
> >
> >