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DoS in Crackalaka 1.0.8

                           Donato Ferrante

Application:  Crackalaka

Version:      1.0.8

Bug:          Denial Of Service

Date:         09-Apr-2004

Author:       Donato Ferrante
              e-mail: fdonato@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              web:    www.autistici.org/fdonato


1. Description
2. The bug
3. The code
4. The fix


1. Description:

Vendor's description:

"Crackalaka is a small, standalone IRC server. 
It does not implement the inter-server portions of the IRC protocol,
and is meant for use by a small workgroup, preferably behind a


2. The bug:

The program is unable to manage a lot of not regular strings, in fact
it crashes.

The problem is in the function: hash_strcmp() of hash.c, in which
the program try to manage an unallocated sector of memory.


3. The code:

To test the vulnerability try to send to the irc server some big and
unregular strings or more simply you can use:

nc [host] 6667 < /dev/urandom


4. The fix:

Vendor was contacted.
Bug will be probably fixed in the next version.
