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Browser bugs [DoS] ... where will you draw a line?

Browser bugs [DoS] ... where will you draw a line?

Shouldn't developers [of Browsers] draw a line... between a DoS bug and a "can 
be troublesome" feature in their web-browsern and put necessary measures in 
their code to protect form such nasty codes.  These days... I?ve been seeing 
lot of stupid IE/Mozilla DoS exploits. They do get patched. Should we need 
another "Bloodhound" technology in brouser as well for such  but...... it's 
strange to see neither neither a antivirus softwares nor IE / MOZILLA are 
putting necessary efforts in their code to prevent such hostile scripts.....? 

<body onload="hUNT()">
&lt;script language="JavaScript"><!--
var szhUNT="...cauz its a jungle out there!"
function hUNT()
{szhUNT=szhUNT + szhUNT
window.status="String Length is: "+szhUNT.length
// -->&lt;/script&gt;


you could just have a scripts that kicks a infinite pop up windows!!! or at 
worst...... lets add a WSH script...

I guess this bug has patch?
&lt;object id='wsh' 
wsh.Run("cmd.exe /k echo ...today is your lucky day!"); 

... such browser features are far *MORE* troublesome than *any* browser DoS 

the solution shouldn't be to disable scripting...... etc!

so ??????
