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Multiple Vendor SOAP server array DoS

//=====================>> Security Advisory <<=====================//

-----[ Multiple Vendor SOAP server array DoS

--[ Author: Amit Klein, Sanctum inc. http://www.SanctumInc.com

--[ Release Date: March 15th, 2004 (the Ides of March...)

--[ Products:
* Macromedia ColdFusion/MX 6.0 and 6.1

* Macromedia ColdFusion/MX 6.0 and 6.1 J2EE (all editions)

* Macromedia JRun 4.0 (all editions)

* Sun Java System Application Server 7 Update 2 Upgrade and earlier
 (formerly Sun ONE Application Server)

 Note: Releases prior to Sun Java System Application Server 7.0 are
 not affected.

* ... and probably other SOAP servers

--[ Severity: High

--[ Description
The problem occurs when a SOAP based web service expects an array of
objects as one of its arguments.
An attacker can send a malicious SOAP request (with regular size)
that incurs a denial of service condition on the SOAP server.

--[ Solution
* Macromedia products - please follow the instructions of MPSB04-04,
in the following URL:
(NOTE: the link is not operative at this moment. Will become live
probably later today)

* Sun Microsystems products - please follow the instructions of Sun
Alert #57517 in the following URL:
(NOTE: the link is not operative at this moment. Will become live
probably later today)