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RE: Six Step IE Remote Compromise Cache Attack

Thor Larholm <thor@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Is our goal to find new vulnerabilities and attack vectors to help secure
> users and critical infrastructures, or is our goal to ease exploitation
> of existing vulnerabilities?

The former is part of our goal, the latter is certainly not.

We actively look for vulnerabilities: to help users and vendors, and simply
because it is fun. We then try to advise users with workarounds, and try to
get vendors to develop fixes. Sadly, to convince vendors that there is a
problem worth fixing, sometimes we are forced to produce proof-of-concept

> There are no new vulnerabilities ... in this attack ...

This demo may have been necessary to convince MS to fix those old

[In another message you wrote:
> ... and Microsoft are patching those vulnerabilities.
Any concrete evidence to that?]

> Believe me, I am all in for full disclosure ...

We are judged by our actions. The vocal ones usually have something to hide.


Paul Szabo - psz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au:8000/u/psz/
School of Mathematics and Statistics  University of Sydney   2006  Australia