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Re: [alac] Mar del Plata schedule

What meeting schedule does the ALAC want to submit for Mar del Plata? ICANN needs to confirm meeting arrangements.

In addition to Vittorio's suggestions (see below), our Latin American ALAC members are considering a Lat. American/Carib. At-Large Workshop on Sunday afternoon (what is the status??).

I'll be submitting the following schedule to ICANN on Friday so the ALAC has something reserved. Please share any suggested changes before then. The ALAC's ability to change meeting room requirements will become increasingly difficult as time passess. I have no additional information on the overall ICANN schedule beyond what is posted.

Sunday, 3 April 2005
* Latin America/Caribbean Regional At-Large Workshop (12:00 - 5:00 pm) (public) (hold room for 75)

Monday, 4 April 2005
* ALAC internal meeting (no time slot yet) (not public) (ALAC meeting room; 15 people)

Tuesday, 5 April 2005
* At-Large Advisory Committee meeting (public) (no time slot yet) (hold room for 50 people)

Wednesday, 6 April 2005
* ALAC internal meeting (no time slot yet) (not public) (ALAC meeting room; 15 people)

Thursday, 7 April 2005
* ALAC internal meeting (after forum until evening) (not public) (ALAC meeting room; 15 people)




Vittorio Bertola wrote:

as a proposal, I'm copying here the current draft Mar del Plata schedule
from the ICANN website, and interleaving proposals for our meeting.

Denise - please check and tell us whether there is any other meeting that
is not there yet but is being organized (i.e. a Strategic Plan event?).
Also, other members (e.g. Roberto) should comment on any overlapping
commitments they might already have.

Given the schedule, I'd recommend that we all arrive at last by Sunday
evening and leave not earlier than Thursday evening.

Please comment! I did this very quickly, maybe I forgot something.


    Saturday, 2 April 2005

        * GAC Working Groups (Closed Session)
        * Wwtld Meeting

    Sunday, 3 April 2005

        * Morning Tea with Staff & Board (10:00 . 11:00)
        * Orientation (11:00 . 12:00)
        * GAC Regional Forum (afternoon)

I have been asked by GAC officers whether we would like to participate in
an At Large related panel during their Regional Forum, as we already did
in Rome and other meetings. I think it's a good idea, so if we agree I
would ask our Latin American members to take part in the organization of
this thing. It's not necessary for all of us to attend, though.

    Monday, 4 April 2005

        * GNSO Council Breakfast
        * Welcome Ceremony (9:00 . 10:00)
        * Constituency Day
        * ccNSO Members Meeting
        * Registrars Workshop (All Day)
        * GAC Plenary Meeting (Open Session)
        * GAC Plenary Meeting (Closed Session)
        * Host Reception

I am not sure about what the Registrars Workshops will be, but unless it
turns out to be really interesting (the Cape Town one wasn't, for a number
of reasons) I'd use Monday (after 10am) as a full day for our own internal

Optimally, we could try to "book" Twomey for a quick meeting at any time
during this day. Also, do we want to get some longer staff briefing on the
Strategic Plan or anything else?

    Tuesday, 5 April 2005

        * GAC Plenary Meeting (All Day)
        * ccNSO Members Meeting (afternoon)
        * GNSO Constituency Meetings
              o Cross Constituency Meeting
              o NonCommercial Users Constituency Meeting
              o gTLD Registries Constituency Meeting
              o Registrars Constituency Meeting
              o Commercial and Business Users Constituency Meeting
              o Intellectual Property Interests Constituency Meeting
              o Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers
Constituency Meeting
        * WSIS Program (4:00 . 7:00)

We could use this day for the usual public joint meeting with the NCUC (if
no one objects, I'll ask Milton about a possible timeslot). Also, the WSIS
event is mandatory. Perhaps we could use two hours on this day for our
public Regional At Large meeting?

    Wednesday, 6 April 2005
  # GNSO Council Meeting (morning)
  # ccNSO Council Meeting (afternoon)
  # Public Forum . Part 1 (afternnon)

This day is already filled up. We might want to meet internally during the
GNSO Council meeting, assuming that we need it and that it's not a problem
to "lose" our GNSO liaison.

    Thursday, 7 April 2005

        * Public Forum . Part II (morning)

I would definitely save the afternoon for a final internal meeting.

    Friday, 8 April 2005

        * Board Meeting