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Re: [alac] [Fwd: Final Call on Resolution]

To clarify, this resolution will be first singed by "individuals" who joined the working group,
so not representing ALAC as a whole in the initial stage, but Vittorio
and my name will be there.

THEN, this will be circulated to all ICANN community and seek for broad endorsement.

Of course, it is better to take ALAC's full endorsement at this stage, but
it is not necessary.

I also see some "weekness" from AtLarge/user/Civil society perspective, but still this
can be an acceptable baseline within ICANN community.

So, unless there is a strong objection, I will send my endorsement to the
group, with the understanding that I am a member of ALAC, but signing as



At 10:32 05/01/27 -0800, Denise Michel wrote:
I think it should be supported because it is in the At-Large community's interest to advance "bottom up, consensus based, participatory, global" management and coordination of the Internet. ICANN and its stakeholders need to champion this position in WSIS and elsewhere to counter proposals for government control that would exclude users. This is not to say that ICANN does not need to improve (quite the contrary, as the resolution notes) but it is vastly better to continue to make the "ICANN model" better, than to have the world's government adopt, say, the ITU's proposal of the governments/ITU controlling management of IP addresses, ccTLDs, etc. (which is on the table). I'm sure Vittorio and Izumi, who worked on the resolution, have more to add.

FYI -- in endorsing this resolution, the RIRs Paul Wilson said "... we see a push to comprehensively "reregulate" the net, to redesign and relocate many of the core functions which have created today's Internet. Many of us oppose such radical reforms, recognising the risks they pose to the Internet as a stable, open and rapidly growing global infrastructure. This declaration shows the strong support of a wide range of stakeholders for the ICANN model of Internet coordination. It also shows the strength of support for ICANN's ongoing evolution, including, critically, its full independence from the US Government. Today's ICANN is not perfect, but many of us are working on that, expressing our concerns as members of the global community which drives the Internet's development."



Esther Dyson wrote:
WHy support it?
Let's start from the position of *not* supporting it unless there is some reason to do so.
At 03:15 AM 1/27/2005, Vittorio Bertola wrote:

This is the proposed resolution from the WSIS Working Group, and we are
asked to endorse it.

Comments? I must confess I find it vague enough to be supportable,
without tying our hands in case the internal balance of stakeholders is
rediscussed in the future.

> WSIS Working Group Resolution
> 24 December 2004
> Version 1.2
> Whereas:
> 1. ICANN is a bottom up, consensus based, participatory global
> organization, responsible for coordinating the unique identifiers of the
> Internet. In particular, ICANN is responsible for ensuring the stable
> and secure operation of the Internet痴 unique identifier systems, such
> as the domain names, IP Addresses, protocol and parameters, the Internet
> root server system and those policies that are related to the unique
> identifiers;
> 2. At ICANN's creation, the community recognized the importance of a
> unique forum to address these issues, and has supported the continuing
> evolution of ICANN as the single global forum for coordinating the
> unique identifiers of the Internet and related policy;
> 3. As the Internet evolves, so does the need for the participation of a
> diverse and ever growing set of stakeholders, with a particular emphasis
> on the participation of those from developing countries;
> 4. With this expanding broad participation, ICANN will continue to
> evolve and mature in its role in coordinating the Internet痴 unique
> identifiers, and in increasing awareness and understanding of its role
> in advancing the Internet.
> Recognizing:
> 1. That Internet Governance has emerged as an important issue in many
> fora, most especially through the WSIS process;
> 2. That no single entity or organization possesses the expertise or
> breadth of participation to address all aspects of Internet Governance
> in isolation;
> 3. That ICANN provides the opportunity for participation by diverse
> stakeholders associated with, and interested in, its activities and
> mission related to coordination of the unique identifiers of the
> Internet, and must continually strive to strengthen this participation;
> 4. That many of the stakeholders involved in ICANN痴 work are also
> involved in the broader set of initiatives and organizations already
> engaged in discussing or addressing Internet Governance.
> Resolved That:
> 5. We endorse the ICANN model of a private public partnership ュ
> involving the broadest set of stakeholders: civil society, non
> governmental organizations, commercial and individual users, suppliers,
> and governments ュ responsible for coordinating the unique identifiers of
> the Internet and related policies;
> 6. We support the continuing internationalization of ICANN, and call on
> ICANN to finalize and implement plans to bring its Memorandum of
> Understanding with the U.S. Government to fulfillment and closure, and
> to evolve ICANN into a stand-alone entity, able to pursue the roles
> asked of it by the Internet community;
> 7. We call on those who seek change in the present stakeholder-driven
> model for coordination of the technical management of the Internet's
> unique identifiers to fully participate in ICANN's process and
> activities, and work with ICANN's stakeholders to address their concerns
> within the ICANN process;
> 8. We call on the ICANN Board, all ICANN stakeholders and staff to
> participate in the Working Group on Internet Governance and in the World
> Summit on the Information Society to advance broad support for the
> public private, stakeholder-driven model for coordination of the
> Internet痴 unique identifiers;
> 9. We urge the ICANN board, ICANN stakeholders and staff to support the
> growing awareness and understanding ICANN痴 role, while recognizing the
> need for collaboration, cooperation, coordination, and coexistence with
> other organizations and entities who are engaged in the larger issues
> and activities related to Internet Governance;
> 10. We support the collaboration and cooperation within the ICANN
> community of gTLD registries, registrars, Internet service providers,
> Regional Internet Registries, ccTLD managers, non-commercial and
> business users and organizations, individual Internet users , the broad
> technical community, root server operators and governments, and support
> activities that increase understanding of ICANN痴 work and focus as the
> forum for coordinating the unique identifiers of the Internet and
> related policy; and
> 11. We support improved communications and collaboration within all
> members of the ICANN community for increasing understanding and
> participation in ICANN, in particular from developing countries
vb.             [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<-----
http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Prima o poi...

Esther Dyson              Always make new mistakes!
Editor, Release 1.0
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