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----- Forwarded message from Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx> -----

From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Gnso. Secretariat" <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
        GNSO Council <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx,
        Bruce Tonkin <bruce.tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
        Kurt Pritz <pritz@xxxxxxxxx>, Paul Verhoef <paul.verhoef@xxxxxxxxx>,
        Barbara Roseman <roseman@xxxxxxxxx>,
        Denise Michel <denisemichel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
        Mark McFadden <mcf@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 15:12:12 -0500

Dear colleagues, 


I would welcome hearing from other Councilors who might join a small
planning team all to advance finalizing of the provisional agenda, noted
below. Please reply offlist to me, and to Glen regarding your interest. I've
already had a volunteer or two and greatly appreciate those offers of
planning and organizing assistance.


Regarding the meeting notice:  Glen will be posting this notice to the
liaison list. If you can also encourage distribution within your
constituencies, that would be much appreciated.  Please email me and Glen
with questions. We are still finalizing with the hotel arrangements, but
want to advance the program agenda as well as quickly as possible.


Regards, Marilyn Cade




Meeting to develop comments on ICANN Strategic Plan

Amsterdam, 7-8 February 2005



The presently posted ICANN Strategic Plan outlines the strategic directions
for ICANN for a three year period. Like all strategy documents, it needs to
be analyzed and understood in conjunction with other relevant documents,
such as the ICANN budget. It provides insight into changes in ICANN's scope,
scale, funding base, and activities. It helps to position ICANN for a
post-WSIS and post-MOU world with an increased  budget, regional offices, an
extensive workshop initiative, and outreach activities to developing
countries. Other changes include a proposed shift of funding from reliance
on registrars as the primary aggregators of funds to a more centralized
collection via the registries, with an increase in the amount of money
collected per domain name, in order to provide a stable foundation for


The Strategic Plan, as drafted, creates the same kind of scope and scale of
change that the Evolution and Reform Process did, and deserves full
consideration and review by the community.




The gNSO Council has approved the organization of a meeting to develop
comments on the ICANN Strategic Plan by interested attendees from the

 The meeting may also include guests from the At Large, other SOs or the
community who have indicated an interest in attending. 


The purpose of the meeting is to ensure that the constituencies of the
gNSO/liaisons have an opportunity to review, analyze, and develop comments
on the ICANN Strategic Plan. This meeting does not replace the opportunity
for any individual, or any constituency to post ongoing comments during the
ICANN public comment process.
www.icann.org/strategic-plan/strategic-plan.html  -- this link provides
information on the Strategic Plan, and how to submit individual comments.
NOTE: Comments are due February 28, 2005.  


 The ICANN staff has also indicated their plans to offer teleconferences
with each constituency, and this meeting is not intended to replace that


Details of the Meeting: February 7-8, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sheraton at
the Airport.


Provisional Agenda: 


Monday, February 7: 1:00 p.m. -  5.30pm. 


Overview of Strategic Plan by ICANN staff

Presentation/Comments by scheduled contributors

Open Mike for participants for further comments



Small volunteer teams to work Monday evening to synthesize comments


Tuesday, February 8, 8:30-12:30 p.m. 


 8:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Presentation of comments received/contributions from
Monday's session by small working teams. 

10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Consolidation of contributions. 

12:30 p.m.  Adjourn


Space is presently scheduled for 50-60 attendees for both meetings, on a
first-come, first-served basis. We will make reasonable efforts to address
additional requests to attend, should we have over-subscription.  


You can register for the meeting by sending an email to Glen de St. Gery,
gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  Be sure to indicate which day/or both that
you will attend. If you cannot attend in person, but want to dial in, please
advise Glen of which days you will want to participate. We expect to offer
dial in on 2/7 for the portion of the meeting that involves presentations
and are exploring dial in for February 8 in terms of ensuring that remote
participants can hear effectively and participate.  


If you would like to prepare a submission or comments to present during Day
One of the meeting, please let Glen know.  There will be a deadline for
submitting at least an outline of your talking points if you wish to make a
presentation, so that the schedule can be managed, and materials posted to
those who are participating remotely.  


Contributions in this segment on day 1 can be short statements, proposals
for changes in particular segments of the Strategic Plan; or suggestions on
how to achieve a particular outcome described in the Strategic Plan.
Comments from the participants in attendance will be accommodated as well,
but to have the full scope of your contribution understood and incorporated,
providing written comments will help those attempting to capture your
contribution and incorporate it. 


For purpose of finalizing the agenda and plans, a small group of councilors
from the gNSO are working together. You can provide comments and suggestions
to them by emailing the gNSO Secretariat, as noted above.


We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam.


Marilyn Cade




----- End forwarded message -----