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[alac] [Fwd: Request for nomination to 2005 ICANN Nominating Committee]


Da: George Sadowsky <george.sadowsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
A: v.bertola@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: michel@xxxxxxxxx
Oggetto: Request for nomination to 2005 ICANN Nominating Committee
Data: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 00:21:25 -0500

Dear Vittorio,

I would like to introduce myself as Chair of the ICANN Nominating
Committee for 2005, as appointed by the ICANN Board at its recent annual
meeting in Cape Town, South Africa.  I am writing to you to request the
name of your five nominees to the Nominating Committee from your

For your reference the text of Article VII, Section 2 of the ICANN
By-laws, that define the composition of the ICANN Nominating Committee
appears at the end of this message. 

I have been given your name as the person I should contact for a
nomination for the At-Large Advisory Committee Constituency.  I would
very much appreciate if you would verify by return e-mail that you are
the correct person to contact in this regard.

The Nominating Committee is an integral part of the ICANN process.
During the course of its first three year cycle, the Committee will be
selecting a majority of members of the ICANN Board of Directors.  Our
work, therefore, must be of the highest quality and must promote,
through our choice of individuals to fill ICANN's leadership positions,
both ICANN's image and the underlying reality as one of competence,
professionalism, widespread geographic and cultural representation,
seriousness with regard to ICANN's mission, and adherence to its core

The qualifications for members of the Nominating Committee are contained
in Article VII, Section 4 of ICANN's bylaws.  Delegates to the
Nominating Committee shall be:

        1. Accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and
        intelligence, with reputations for sound judgment and open
        minds, and with experience and competence with collegial large
        group decision-making;
        2. Persons with wide contacts, broad experience in the Internet
        community, and a commitment to the success of ICANN;
        3. Persons whom the selecting body is confident will consult
        widely and accept input in carrying out their responsibilities;
        4. Persons who are neutral and objective, without any fixed
        personal commitments to particular individuals, organizations,
        or commercial objectives in carrying out their Nominating
        Committee responsibilities;
        5. Persons with an understanding of ICANN's mission and the
        potential impact of ICANN's activities on the broader Internet
        community who are willing to serve as volunteers, without
        compensation other than the reimbursement of certain expenses;
        6. Persons who are able to work and communicate in written and
        spoken English.

Most of the work of the Committee will be done by e-mail and during
conference calls.  However, members of the Committee will be expected to
meet physically for an initial face to face meeting and for a final
selection meeting.  I hope that we will be able to schedule a first
meeting early in 2005, possibly in conjunction with ICANN's April
meeting in Mar del Plata, Argentina, and the final selection meeting
will occur in September 2005.

Members of the Nominating Committee are volunteers, and will be expected
to participate in some depth in the work of the committee.   Acceptance
of membership implies a willingness to spend significant time and energy
in achieving a robust and appropriate outcome on behalf of ICANN as a
whole.  On the basis of reactions of members of previous committees,
this is likely to be a very satisfying experience for everyone.

i would very much like to receive your five nominations to the
Nominating Committee, with as much contact information as you can
provide, as soon as possible so that we can start work.  My hope is to
have all members of the Committee named by approximately mid-January,
with an initial exchange of information and a conference call at the
beginning of February.

Please feel free to address any questions or comments you have to me
either by e-mail or telephone.  My coordinates are below.

I wish to thank you in advance for your assistance, and I look forward
to receiving your nomination for the Nominating Committee soon.

Best regards,

George Sadowsky, Chair
ICANN Nominating Committee



According to the ICANN By-laws, Article VII, Section 2, the ICANN
Nominating Committee has the following composition:

        1. A non-voting Chair, appointed by the ICANN Board;
        2. The immediately previous Nominating Committee Chair, as a
        non-voting advisor;
        3. A non-voting liaison appointed by the ICANN Root Server
        System Advisory Committee established by Article XI of these
        4. A non-voting liaison appointed by the ICANN Security and
        Stability Advisory Committee established by Article XI of these
        5. A non-voting liaison appointed by the Governmental Advisory
        6. Subject to the provisions of the Transition Article of these
        Bylaws, five voting delegates selected by the At-Large Advisory
        Committee established by Article XI of these Bylaws;
        7. Two voting delegates, one representing small business users
        and one representing large business users, selected by the
        Business Users Constituency of the Generic Names Supporting
        Organization established by Article X of these Bylaws;
        8. One voting delegate each selected by the following entities:
                a. The gTLD Registry Constituency of the Generic Names
                Supporting Organization established by Article X of
                these Bylaws;
                b. The gTLD Registrars Constituency of the Generic Names
                Supporting Organization established by Article X of
                these Bylaws;
                c. The Council of the Country Code Names Supporting
                Organization established by Article IX of these Bylaws;
                d. The Internet Service Providers Constituency of the
                Generic Names Supporting Organization established by
                Article X of these Bylaws;
                e. The Intellectual Property Constituency of the Generic
                Names Supporting Organization established by Article X
                of these Bylaws;
                f. The Council of the Address Supporting Organization
                established by Article VIII of these Bylaws;
                g. An entity designated by the Board to represent
                academic and similar organizations;
                h. Consumer and civil society groups, selected by the
                Non-commercial Users Constituency of the Generic Names
                Supporting Organization established by Article X of
                these Bylaws;
                i. The Internet Engineering Task Force; and
                j. The ICANN Technical Liaison Group established by
                Article XI-A of these Bylaws; and
        9. A non-voting Associate Chair, who may be appointed by the
        Chair, at his or her sole discretion, to serve during all or
        part of the term of the Chair. The Associate Chair may not be a
        person who is otherwise a member of the same Nominating
        Committee. The Associate Chair shall assist the Chair in
        carrying out the duties of the Chair, but shall not serve,
        temporarily or otherwise, in the place of the Chair.



George Sadowsky, Executive Director             64 Sweet Briar Road
Global Internet Policy Initiative          Stamford, CT  06905-1514
Internews, Inc.                                tel: +1.203.329.3288
1640 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.        george.sadowsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Washington, D. C.  20036            http://pws.prserv.net/sadowsky/
vb.             [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<-----
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