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[alac] WSIS Workshop Planning Group resolution

A draft resolution on ICANN and WSIS was put forward for ICANN stakeholders' consideration at the WSIS Workshop in Cape Town by the WSIS Workshop Planning Group, on which Vittorio, Izumi and I participate.  The resolution is under consideration, and the revised draft included below contains  some edits by  Izumi and  others.  Are there any further suggested changes?  If not, it can be posted on our website.

The idea is for a final version of the resolution to be circulated to all ICANN constituencies/committees for endorsement and then distributed to the "WSIS community."  So the ALAC will be asked for its formal endorsement in the near future.




WSIS Workshop Planning Group Draft Resolution                          12-5-04
Version 2.0

1.      ICANN is a bottom up, consensus based, participatory global organization, responsible for coordinating the unique identifiers of the Internet. In particular, ICANN is responsible for ensuring the stable and secure operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems, such as the domain names, IP Addresses, protocol and parameters, the Internet root server system and those policies that are related to the unique identifiers.
2.      At ICANN's creation, the community recognized the importance of a unique forum to address these issues, and has supported the continuing evolution of ICANN as the unique forum for coordinating the unique identifiers of the Internet and related policy.
3.      As the Internet evolves, so does the need for the participation of an ever growing and diverse set of stakeholders, with a particular emphasis on the participation of stakeholders from developing countries.
4.      With this expanding participation,  ICANN will continue to evolve and mature in its role in coordinating the Internet’s unique identifiers, and in increasing awareness and understanding of its role in advancing the Internet..
Recognizing :
5.      Internet Governance has emerged as an important issue in many fora, most especially through the WSIS process.
6.      That no single entity or organization possesses the expertise nor broad participation to undertake addressing all aspects of Internet Governance in isolation.
7.      ICANN provides the opportunity for participation by diverse stakeholders associated with, and interested in, its activities and mission related to coordination of the unique identifiers of the Internet.
8.      That many of ICANN stakeholders who are involved in ICANN’s work are also involved in the broader set of initiatives and organizations already engaged in discussing or addressing Internet Governance.
9.      We endorse the ICANN model of a private public partnership-- involving the broadest set of stakeholders: civil society, non governmental organizations, commercial and individual users, suppliers, and governments-- responsible for coordinating the unique identifiers of the Internet and related policies. We support the continuing internationalization of ICANN.
10.  We call on those who seek change in the present stakeholder driven model for coordination of the technical management of the Internet's unique identifiers to fully participate in ICANN's process and activities, and work with ICANN's stakeholders to address their concerns within the ICANN process.
11.  We call on the ICANN Board, all ICANN stakeholders and staff to participate in the Working Group on Internet Governance and in the World Summit on the Information Society to advance broad support for the public private, stakeholder-driven model for coordination of the Internet’s unique identifiers.
12.  We urge the ICANN board, ICANN stakeholders and staff to support the growing awareness and understanding of what ICANN does, while recognizing the need for collaboration, cooperation, coordination, and coexistence with other organizations and entities who are engaged in the larger issues and activities related to Internet Governance. 
13.  We support the collaboration and cooperation within the ICANN community of regional Internet registries, ccTLD managers, non-commercial and business organizations,  individual Internet users , the broad technical community,  root server operators and governments and support activities that increase understanding of ICANN’s work and focus as the forum for coordinating the unique identifiers of the Internet and related policy..
14.  We support improved communications and collaboration within all members of the ICANN community for increasing understanding and participation in ICANN, in particular from developing countries.

Attachment: draft board resolution DM additions.doc
Description: MS-Word document