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Re: [alac] NomCom 2005

I thinks what Vittorio suggests here looks fine and cannot think
of any additional suggestions.

So, let's start asap, is my short reply.


At 08:18 04/12/06 +0100, you wrote:

we have met with George Sadowski, the new NomCom Chair, and he asked us to be
ready with our appointments to the NomCom 2005 by mid January at latest (they
plan to bring all NomCom members to Mar del Plata).

Some of the outgoing NomCom members have asked to be reappointed by us; ICANN
Bylaws say that this can be done only once (so, for example, Pavan Duggal for
Asia cannot be reappointed). In any case, I think it is good to make a public
call to the Structures and any other interested party, to get other
suggestions, and then decide.

If no one objects in the next couple of days, I will ask Denise to
recirculate an updated version of the call for potential NomCom members we
circulated last year. I'd state December 23rd (or 31st at latest) as a
deadline for replies, so that we can then use the remaining time (and perhaps
a specific conf call in mid January) to make our choices.

Please make your comments now, we don't have too much time - but I will
proceed anyway if I don't hear strong objections in the next few days.