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[alac] FW: [falcons] FW: [centr-ga] Communiqué of the 23rd General Assembly


> Sent: 27 September 2004 18:23
> To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [centr-ga] Communiqué of the 23rd General Assembly
> The Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries'
> members, representing 31 different
> top-level domains, plus observers and invited guests, convened in
> the Armenian capital of Yerevan on
> the 21st and 22nd of September 2004 for the 23rd CENTR General
> Assembly. The key theme of the
> meeting was risk management, and the meeting received a diverse
> and well informed array of speakers
> to talk on it and other topical issues.
> Registries were well-briefed by a variety of speakers who
> explored the work done by registries to
> mitigate the risks associated with running their operations. As
> registries are operated as public
> services that are deemed essential and critical ? it is an
> important obligation that all practical
> steps are taken to prevent conceivable problems the registry
> might face. These vary in range from
> technical measures to ensure services keep operating, to
> protecting against legal risk and other
> obstacles registries may face in their operation. The analysis
> included an overview of the relevant
> ISO standard on information security, as well as a discussion of
> the work registries do to analyse
> risk.
> Roberto Gaetano, member of the ICANN At Large Advisory Committee,
> expressed to the group his views
> on the common position the group finds itself with ccTLD
> managers, as well as how it is perceived
> the two communities can help each other forward.
> For the first time, the group welcomed participation by the Belarusian
> (.by) and Ukrainian (.ua) registries. The group was rewarded by
> learning of the unique challenges
> they face, and the steps they can take to assist in improving
> service. This was complimented by a an
> overview of the host nation Armenia?s registry, which operates
> the .am domain.
> CENTR members extended their great thanks to ISOC Armenia and
> their chairman Igor Myrktumyan who
> organised an astounding and well-conceived GA.
> The General Assembly held in Yerevan has demonstrated the
> enormous added value of having different
> world-regions participate in CENTR activities.
> Sharing the experiences that come from registries with different
> background and cultures has been
> confirmed as one of CENTR's major achievements. CENTR's outreach
> programme will be implemented and
> adjusted to facilitate the participation of remote registries and
> their development towards the new
> Internet era.
> This was the first General Assembly organised after CENTR's
> relocation to Brussels.
> The next CENTR General Assembly will be held on 21-22 November
> 2004 in Zürich, Switzerland.
> --
> Kim Davies, Council of European National Top Level Domain
> Registries Avenue Louise 327, B-1050
> Brussels; Tel. +32 2 627 5550