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[alac] [Fwd: Re: [governance] Criteria for candidates]

FYI - The NCUC plans to involve us in this, though I didn't receive any
direct communication from Milton yet. I'll write and ask.

-----Messaggio Inoltrato-----
From: Milton Mueller <mueller@xxxxxxx>
To: jeanette@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: plenary@xxxxxxxxxxx, governance@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [governance] Criteria for candidates
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 10:13:35 -0400

>>> Jeanette Hofmann <jeanette@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 08/18/04 06:30AM >>>
>I am afraid, we havn't come up with a clean and solid procedure 
>yet to put together a list of candidates.

The Noncommercial Users Constituency has instituted a process
to come up with a list of civil society nominees to the WGIG. We 
waited for some time for this list/caucus to act on this, but now 
that it is clear that no action will be forthcoming we feel the need 
to do something. NCUC does have in place established procedures 
and an elected council capable of producing results.

We are attempting to develop a list of 10 names, 2 for each
world region, with one from the technical side and one from
the policy side. 

The NCUC process is intended to supplement, not substitute for,
whatever this caucus eventually does. There is enough overlap
in the membership for these activities to be complementary
and coordinated. For example, people on this list who are not 
NCUC members can suggest names, preferably openly on the 
caucus list, for consideration in our process. When our list is 
complete, it will be forwarded to this list for consideration, etc. 
We also intend to forward the list to the ICANN At Large Advisory 
Committee, which also has a stake and role in this. If a joint list 
can be agreed upon, clearly that would be optimal. What is 
obviously suboptimal is for nothing to be done, or for civil society 
names to be put forward in an opaque, disorganized, "insider-
dominated" manner. 


governance mailing list
.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo vb.
Vittorio Bertola - vb [a] bertola.eu.org
(((f1tt3r h4pp1er))) @ http://tmp.bertola.eu.org/