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[alac] Fwd: [wipo2ag] WIPO 2 Resolution

Here's the board's resolution to consider the WIPO2 AG's report for Cape Town.


WIPO II President's Working Group Recommendation

Whereas, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) sent ICANN a
letter dated 21 February 2003 providing information about two decisions that
WIPO member states requested be transmitted to ICANN: (1) concerning the
names and acronyms of international intergovernmental organizations, and (2)
concerning the names of countries.

Whereas, in response to an invitation from the Board, advice and comments
were received from the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), the GNSO Council,
the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), and the Intellectual Property
Interests and the Commercial and Business Users Constituencies of the GNSO.

Whereas, Board Resolution 03.83 directed the President to form a working
group including participants in the GNSO, the ALAC, and the GAC as well as
Board members, for the purpose of analyzing the practical and technical
aspects of implementing the WIPO recommendations, and notably the
implications for the UDRP.

Whereas, it was further resolved in Board Resolution 03.84 that the
President and General Counsel were directed to investigate and analyze legal
aspects of the relationship between ICANN's mission and the recommendations
conveyed by the 21 February 2003 letter from WIPO, and to report to the
Board and to the working group formed under Resolution 03.83 on the result
of that investigation and analysis.

Resolved [04.60], the Board thanks Chair Jonathan Cohen and the members of
the WIPO II President's Working Group for the preparation of this report.

Resolved [04.61], that the President and staff should proceed to investigate
and analyze the Working Group's Report and the General Counsel's advice on
the legal aspects of the relationship between ICANN's mission and the 21
February 2003 WIPO letter.

Resolved [04.62], that following the investigation and analysis, President
and Staff should produce a recommendation to the Board before the Cape Town
Meeting, so that the Board may make its decision on the WIPO II
recommendations during that meeting.

Wendy Seltzer -- wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx || wendy@xxxxxxx
Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School