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Re: [alac] ALAC participation in new gTLDs


Thanks for the update...but I will suggest that we go easy on this...

Sending a letter to them without  first reciving an official statement
(letter) from them specifying the details on why and how they want to work
or cooperate with us will not be proper... As far as I can recall..all we
we had was a meeting with them without a formal request from them
detailing the modalities of our working relationship with them...

In the same vein making a statement at the public forum at this stage will
be stating our position (however mild) too early..

Certainly we should find a way to work with them...but we need to see the
way clear before making public statements...

What do others think...

Best regards


> Some of the current applicants for new sponsored gTLDs have shown up at
> our
> meetings and have asked us to cooperate with them in their future policy
> making process and to support their application. (For example, one of the
> applicants offered us seats in their Policy Advisory Board.)
> While I think that it would be improper for us to support some of the
> applications and not others, I think that - assuming that we can find the
> necessary human resources - it would be important for us to participate in
> gTLD policy making processes, both as a way to ensure that their policies
> reflect the interests of the final users, and as a way to increase the
> importance of the Committee and thus attract more At Large Structures. So
> I
> think we should accept this offer, but we should do so in an impartial
> way,
> by giving all applicants an opportunity to do the same.
> So I would suggest releasing a brief statement (and sending it by letter
> to
> all new gTLD applicants from this round) like:
> "Some of the applicants for new gTLDs have expressed their interest in
> having representatives from the ALAC participate in their Policy Advisory
> Boards or in their policy making processes. The ALAC thinks that this
> could
> be a good way to ensure that the internal policies of the new TLDs, even
> if
> sponsored and thus targeted to a limited registrant community, will take
> into proper account the general interest of all Internet users.
> Thus the ALAC would like to invite any applicant sharing this point of
> view
> to enter into discussions with the Committee, so to determine the better
> way
> to incorporate representatives of the Committee in their policy making
> processes."
> If there is agreement on this, I might even read the statement tomorrow at
> the Public Forum.
> --
> vb.               [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<------
> http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblòg...