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Re: [alac] About languages in UDRP

I'm sorry, Erick, but if you want that other members of this
committee take your views into account, you'll have to write them
down in English.
Thomas Roessler  <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
At-Large Advisory Committee: http://alac.info/

On 2004-03-07 22:03:38 -0500, Erick Iriarte Ahon wrote:
> From: Erick Iriarte Ahon <faia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: Vittorio Bertola <vb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, alac@xxxxxxxxx
> Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 22:03:38 -0500
> Subject: Re: [alac] About languages in UDRP
> X-Spam-Level: 
> En efecto este es un tema bastante interesante Vittorio.
> Por un lado tenemos que expresamente se indica que el proceso se llevará en 
> el lenguaje del registro, y por otro lado lo expresado por el "panelista de 
> la OMPI" indicando el "menor costo de administración de justicia" (que no 
> tiene que ver necesariamente con dinero, sino tambien con tiempo, y 
> oportunidad de no utilizar la diferencia lingüistica como herramienta 
> dilatoria).
> Asi tenemos que lo hecho por el "panelista" estaría utilizando la facultad 
> que le concede el parrafo 11 de las Reglas para la aplicación de la UDRP 
> (http://www.icann.org/dndr/udrp/uniform-rules.htm). Sin embargo y dado que 
> el parrafo indica que el "panelista" pudiera tomar la decisión de que se 
> utilice otro lenguaje distinto al del registro, en la medida que pudiera 
> ser dilatorio para el proceso, no hay un problema en si de procedimiento o 
> falla procesal.
> Hay, de otro lado, dos cosas que mencionar:
> 1. la discrecionalidad que ofrece este parrafo a los "panelistas", y por 
> ende la "ventaja" que buscaran los "demandantes" de buscar panelistas de su 
> misma lengua, burlando el espiritu de la UDRP para trastocarlo en una 
> herramienta de presión.
> 2. El error del panelista de determinar: quién esta capacitado para hablar 
> en ingles o no, de acuerdo a su punto 6A, tercer parrafo, que indica que el 
> demandado que dice: "(...)The English used by the Respondent in his letters 
> demonstrates his ability to understand and communicate in English without 
> difficulty. ". hay un vacio en la UDRP y deberia corregirse.
> se sale de contexto puesto que la "politica de resolución de disputas", no 
> indica que sea "optativo" este tema del lenguaje del proceso, sino que lo 
> indica como una norma "per se", con lo cual estaria incurriendo en una 
> falla procesal, con lo cual la parte afectada pudiera recurrir el proceso 
> por falta de garantias de legitima defensa.
> A la propuesta que hacer Vittorio cabe indicar que el parrafo11 de la 
> reglas indica que el lenguaje sera el del registro o acuerdo de las partes 
> o decisión del panelista, quisas dejarlo en los dos primeros ayudaría.
> Saludos
> Erick
> At 06:44 a.m. 06/03/2004, Vittorio Bertola wrote:
> >http://www.icannwatch.org/article.pl?sid=04/03/04/2152235&mode=nested
> >
> >It is an interesting and important issue, in my opinion.
> >
> >This deals with a dispute between Dassault, one of the biggest French
> >companies, and the Korean registrant of dassault.com (which might as well 
> >be
> >a cybersquatter - this won't be the point of the discussion here).
> >
> >The UDRP says that a dispute has to be conducted in the language of the
> >Registration Agreement (which, in this case, was obviously Korean) unless
> >the Panel decides otherwise.
> >
> >In this case, when the defendant asked that the case be conducted in 
> >Korean,
> >the Panel decided that, since he had already sent messages in English
> >(including the one to raise this point, I think), he knew English and so 
> >the
> >dispute should have been conducted in English to save time and money for
> >Dassault (see 6.A at
> >http://arbiter.wipo.int/domains/decisions/html/2003/d2003-0989.html)
> >
> >I don't have a final opinion on this, but it seems very worrying to me 
> >that,
> >just because you made the effort to respond in English at the beginning of
> >the proceeding (possibly because the complaint you received was in
> >English!), you shall be condemned to use English, rather than your own
> >language, for the rest of the proceeding.
> >
> >Thinking that guarantees for the defendant - such as the ability to use
> >his/her own language - are to be waived because they would be a "waste of
> >time and money" for the complainant goes against any idea of due process
> >that even non-lawyers like me bear in mind.
> >
> >What do you think? If others agree, we might raise the issue within ICANN,
> >and perhaps ask that the rules are changed so that it is not in the Panel's
> >discretion to change the language of the proceeding, but that such change
> >may only happen if all parties agree.
> >--
> >vb.               [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<------
> >http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblòg...