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Re: [alac] ccNSO

OK for me.

ICANN BoD Liaison

From: Erick Iriarte Ahon <faia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Vittorio Bertola <vb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, alac@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [alac] ccNSO
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 11:11:56 -0500


i would like to be the alac liason in the ccNSO. Why? because i was legal advisor in the ccTLD .PE and LACLTD (Latin American ccTLD's Association) Advisor.



At 04:42 a.m. 05/03/2004, Vittorio Bertola wrote:
Since the ccNSO has now actually started to exist, I think we should now
request a liaison on their council, which will be formed just before KL.
Shall we send a letter? (And do we have volunteers?)
vb.               [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<------
http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblòg...

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