Re: [alac] Redirection of non-existing domain names, again
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 13:28:03 +0200, Thomas Roessler
<roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>The question is whether ALAC advice to the board is the right way to
>handle this. We might wish to consult on this with other groups
>(technical liaison group, or however it's called, and SAC) first, in
>order to end up with a stronger joint statement that has some
>recognized technical expertise on its side.
True, but it might then be too late: according to the NY Times,
Verisign could start the service very soon:
Perhaps we should raise the issue informally on the Board list through
our liaison, let our very negative opinion on this be known, and in
the meantime approach the other committees for a joint statement, if
you want.
vb. [Vittorio Bertola - vb [at]]<---
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