Composition of Working Groups
Same for
all topics at a given time
appointment / Strict task force Model
appointment / loose task force model
open working
group model
High risk of excluding concerned groups
huge individual workload
not every group member can be an expert for
every topic
if done at board level: no checks and balances
risk of excluding concerned groups
limited manpower
may result in too large groups, leading to bad
signal/noise ratio, and in turn triving expert participants away.
working grouop may be dismissed as self-selected,
captured by noisy fractions
few if any resopnsibilities assigned to specific
limited, workable group size
assigns responsibility to well-defined set of
group members chosen by expertise (in theory)
workload more evenly distributed
limited, workable group size
assigns responsibility to well-defined set of
less risk of excluding concerned groups
group members chosen by expertise (in theory)
workload more evenly distributed
limited, workable group size
assigns responsibility to well-defined set of
little risk of excluding concerned groups or
individuals by design
workload may be distributed well