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[EURO-ALS] New european ALAC member needed

Hello everybody and a happy new year!

I hope you all had nice holidays. Here is something to start the new year with:
One european ALAC seat is vacant and the ALAC wants to have it filled with a 
smart and energetic person ;-) - even if it might be only for a very short time 
as we are going to build the EURALO and will then have elections of ALAC 
The ALAC discussed, that the best is, that those preparing the EURALO come up 
with proposals and that it could be helpful to find someone from a region not 
well presented yet like eastern europe. The ALAC then will give a 
recommendation to the Board who will appoint the new member.

All the best


Here, the announcement:

ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee Announces Vacancy

Volunteer Needed From Europe for the interim period of time until European 
Regional At-Large Organisation is set up

**Individuals from these regions interested in serving on the ALAC are 
encouraged to contact the Committee by 16th January 2007.**

ICANN's Board will appoint an individual from Europe to fill this vacancy, 
after receiving recommendation from the ALAC.

As the European At-Large Structures are in the state of finalizing bylaws for 
the European Regional At-Large Organisation, it is likely that the EURALO will 
be in place soon (the next ICANN meeting end of March 2007 or the following one 
in summer). Candidates must consider that they might serve only for this very 
short interim period as each RALO is expected to elect two ALAC members which 
former were appointed by the ICANN's Board. 

The current european ALAC members are Vittorio Bertola from Italy (appointed by 
ICANN Board) and Annette Muehlberg from Germany (NomCom appointed) one ICANN 
Board appointed seat is currently vacant.

Applicants with these strengths will be particularly welcome:

* Experience with At-Large Structures or groups that address one or more issues 
affecting individual Internet users, and past involvement in an ICANN issue 
relevant to At-Large;

* A basic understanding of the DNS and the Internet's infrastructure, and 
ICANN's policy-setting role;

* Successful experience with group decision-making and consensus development;

* Demonstrated commitment to the goals and bylaws of ICANN and the ALAC;
* Ability to expend the time and resources necessary to perform the requisite 
tasks; and

* Contribution to the ALAC's diversity in terms of culture, region, gender, and 
social and professional experience.

Statements of interest containing the following information should be emailed 
to <committee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> by 16th January 2006:

1) Name, country, profession, email address:
2) Experience with At-Large Structures/groups addressing user issues:

3) Involvement in ICANN issues relevant to individual Internet users:

4) Involvement in activities relating to the DNS and the Internet's 

5) Experience with group decision-making and consensus development:

6) Demonstrated commitment to the goals and bylaws of ICANN and the ALAC:

7) Other relevant social, professional experience:

ALAC members' responsibilities include working with colleagues and staff to:

* Solicit input, develop proposed positions, and provide advice on the 
activities of ICANN that are relevant to individual Internet users;

* Conduct outreach on At-Large advocacy and organizing efforts;

* Foster the formation of At-Large Structures and the creation of Regional 
At-Large Organizations, including considering applications for "At-Large 
Structure" designation; and

* Selecting At-Large delegates for the Nominating Committee, and 
selecting/serving as At-Large liaisons for the Board, GNSO Council, ccNSO 
Council, policy development task forces and other entities.

Terms of ALAC members appointed by the Board start upon their appointment and 
end when a Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) is established in their region 
and the RALO selects individuals to replace them on the ALAC. ALAC members 
receive no compensation for their services as a member of the committee. The 
Board may, however, authorize the reimbursement of the actual and necessary 
expenses incurred by ALAC members in performance of their duties. Approximately 
7 hours per week is required of ALAC members to fulfill their duties in this 
role. This includes participating in online (e-mail) discussions, commenting 
on/contributing to documents/proposed actions (drafted in English), 
participating in monthly ALAC telephone conferences (in English), and meeting 
with/making presentations to, local and regional organizations.

The ALAC, which includes 3 members from each of ICANN's five geographic 
regions, drives At-Large advocacy and organizing efforts by: 

1) working with At-Large groups to consider and provide advice on the 
activities, decisions, and policies of ICANN that relate to the interests of 
individual Internet users (the "At-Large" community); and 

2) helping the At-Large community throughout the world organize for structured 
involvement and informed participation in ICANN. ICANN relies on the ALAC and 
its supporting infrastructure to involve and represent a broad set of 
individual user interests, thus helping to ensure that ICANN's policies reflect 
the needs, interests and rights of a full range of stakeholders. Information on 
the ALAC's activities and members is posted at <www.icannalac.org> and 

Ultimately, ICANN's objective is to have the ALAC supported by a worldwide 
network of self-organized, self-supported groups designated as At-Large 
Structures. These groups (either existing organizations or newly formed for 
this purpose) are expected to organize into five Regional At-Large 
Organizations (RALOs) (one in each ICANN region - Africa, 
Asia/Australia/Pacific, Europe, Latin America/Caribbean, and North America). 
After being formalized through an MOU with ICANN, each RALO is expected to 
manage outreach and public involvement and be the main forum and coordination 
point in each region for public input to ICANN. The RALOs also are expected to 
elect a majority of ALAC members and contribute five delegates to ICANN's 
Nominating Committee. The Latin  America/Carribean RALO has just been formed 
and elected two members of ALAC.

As the European At-Large Structures are in the state of finalizing bylaws for 
the European Regional At-Large Organisation, it is likely that the EURALO will 
be in place soon (the next ICANN meeting end of March 2007 or the following one 
in summer). Candidates must consider that they might serve only for this very 
short interim period.

Questions regarding this announcement should be emailed to 

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