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Domain name marketplace workshop

Just noticed this on the ICANN Marrakesh Tuesday schedule, Domain Name Marketplace Workshop * (9:30-12:30( <http://www.icann.org/meetings/marrakech/dn-workshop-27jun06.htm> (agenda included below)

It looks as though they're planning to consider some of the market issues we've been discussing and hearing discussed, including "monetization" and "tasting" using the add-grace period. I know that individually, I've been hearing an increasing number of Internet user complaints about the add-grace tastings -- users who have registered domain names, in particular, complain that typos on that name are frequently registered round-robin style by a pool of 'tasters', and thus unavailable for registration to the registrant who finds his traffic diverted there. Registrants who inadvertently let their domains lapse, or people who hope to pick up names on the expiration of an old registration, also find the names caught up in this cycle. Further, I think there's room to explore the effects on the non-registrant Internet user -- is it helpful that a mistyped name often ends up at a search page? harmful that this search page may clutter a search engine's results listing or be filled with pop-ups or redirects? a matter of indifference?

Does anyone know where this workshop came from? It appears to be heavily registry/registrar at this point. Has anyone here asked to participate, or do we have members or ALS members who might have perspectives to add?

A key part of the "domain name marketplace" that seems to be off the schedule entirely is price. Deliberately so or oversight? While you wouldn't want registrars colluding on prices through mechanisms like this, it's appropriate to talk about ICANN's role in setting registry prices.

I just sent this comment to the workshop comments address (whose archive page doesn't seem to be working) : Has at-large participation been solicited for this workshop? It would seem that the individual Internet user, whether a domain name registrant or just a user of the Internet, would at times have perspectives different from both registries and registrars. In the fact-gathering stage, I would recommend a much broader sweep for comments and perspectives.


Tentative Agenda:

Introduction ? Jothan Frakes

Background ? TBD

Life Cycle of a Domain Name

Based on policy and contractual provisions, a domain name has a "life cycle". In order to better understand the domain name marketplace, it is important to know how they are acquired, renewed, transferred, and deleted.

History & Evolution of the domain name marketplace

A variety of marketplace activities have arisen over time, some making use of various phases in the domain name life cycle.

Domains and Monetization from Traffic ? Ron Sheridan
The Role of Search Engines ? Josh Meyers
Large Portfolio Registrant Perspective ? John Berryhill
Individual User Perspective ? TBD
Business and Intellectual Property Perspective ? Sarah Deutsch
ICANN Policy Implications ? TBD
Expiring Names Practices

The handling of names as they approach expiry or deletion is evolving, and with this evolution come changes to the registration experience, from the registrant, registrar, and registry perspectives. Discussion: impacts on stakeholders.
Registrar Business Models for Expired Names ? Jonathon Nevett
Registry Impacts ? Pat Kane

Add-Grace Period Deletions are being used in current practice by some registrars and registrants that some argue is quite different from the original intent. The practice of domain 'tasting' has generated significant discussion. Discussion: impacts on stakeholders and possible responses.
Impact on Registrars and Registrants ? Tim Ruiz
Registry experience/data and proposals ? David Maher & Pat Kane
Long-Tail Proposal ? Paul Stahura

One proposal has been introduced to address a variety of monetization activities. This presentation will describe the proposal and solicit feedback.

Discussion with Audience Questions

Wrap-up & Next Steps ? Jothan Frakes

Wendy Seltzer -- wendy@xxxxxxxxxxx
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, Brooklyn Law School
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society