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Re: [alac] Strategic plan

(Catching up on e-mail.)

On 2005-02-09 00:02:53 +0100, Vittorio Bertola wrote:

> As some pointed out that other members might have specific
> comments, I propose that we accept simple comments until Sunday
> evening (Feb 13th), and then we might ask Thomas to lay out his
> considerations, add any others, and prepare a text that we can
> submit by the deadline of February 28th.

Well, drafting something by the evening of the 13th is obviously not
an option any more.

I can try to draft something on outreach and facilitating
participation by this Sunday.  But if anyone else can take this
rough theme and take the lead on drafting, I'd be more than happy
with that. ;-)

Thomas Roessler ยท Personal soap box at <http://log.does-not-exist.org/>.