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[fwd] [stratplan] Amsterdam Consultation on the ICANN Strategic Plan 7-8 February 2005 (from: gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

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----- Forwarded message from "gnso.icann" <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 

From: "gnso.icann" <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: stratplan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 18:39:03 +0100
Subject: [stratplan] Amsterdam Consultation on the ICANN Strategic Plan 7-8 
February 2005

Please find the proposed agenda for the Amsterdam Consultation on the
ICANN Strategic Plan
February 7-8, 2005 

GNSO Secretariat

           The Amsterdam Consultation on the ICANN Strategic Plan
                            February 7-8, 2005 

   The  purpose  of the Consultative Meeting on ICANN's Strategic Plan is
   to  provide  an  opportunity for participatory consultation, organized
   by  gNSO  Councilors, as agreed to by the gNSO Council, and to include
   other interested parties. 

   February 7, 2005 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

   1:00 p.m. Meeting convenes 
   Welcoming Comments

   1:10 p.m. Introductory Comments by Co-Moderators
   Co-Moderators: Philip Sheppard and Ken Stubbs
   1:20 p.m. Presentation on ICANN Strategic Plan: 
   Paul Verhoef, ICANN - Vice President, Policy Development Support
   Barbara Roseman, ICANN- Staff Manager

   2:30 p.m. Prepared Presentations from Various Stakeholders

   Ross Rader- TUCOWS
   Bruce Tonkin - MELBOURNE, IT
   Marilyn Cade - as an individual

   3:00 COFFEE/TEA 

   3:30 p.m. Continuation of Presentations
   o Registry Constituency
   o Number Resource Organization (NRO)

   [from phone bridge, email, and in room participants]

   6:00 pm. Close of Day One

   ***     For    more    information    contact    Marilyn    Cade    at
   marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx     or     Glen    de    Saint    Gery,    at

   The Amsterdam Consultation on the ICANN Strategic Plan
   Tuesday, February 8, 2005
   9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

   9:00 a.m. Co-Moderators' Introductory Comments
   Grant Forsyth and Tony Holmes
   9:10 a.m. Rapporteurs Reports on draft Comments 
   based on Day 1 contributions and presentations

   10:30 am. BREAK for Coffee/Tea

   10:45 a.m. Plenary Working Session: To finalize draft 
   comments on the Strategic Plan

   12:30 pm. Conclude the meeting 

   Organizing Group of Councilors

   Marilyn Cade
   Tony Holmes
   Ken Stubbs
   Lucy Nichols
   Ross Rader
   Bruce Tonkin

   For  more information contact Marilyn Cade at marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx
   or Glen de Saint Gery, at gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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