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[alac] NomCom delegates statements of interest

In the past, the ALAC has asked individuals interested in serving (or nominated to serve) as At-Large delegates to the NomCom to provide the following information.  Unless I hear otherwise, I will assume we will continue to use the same approach and will begin sending this request to interested individuals on 17 December.



Please confirm your willingness to serve as a Nominating Committee delegate by sending via return email (to michel@xxxxxxxxx) by 10 May 2004:

* a resume or biography
* brief responses to the following 3 questions:

1.  Why are you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee and what skills, knowledge or attitude would you contribute to the Committee in making its choice of members for the ICANN Board and other key positions?

2.  Briefly describe your experience (if any) with domain name system issues and/or Internet policy issues, and/or ICANN governance issues (these could be technical, managerial, political, legal, etc.).

3.  Briefly describe any current involvement you may have with ICANN constituency groups or their members (see www.icann.org)
for information on constituencies), or At-Large Structures or potential At-Large Structures (see http://www.alac.icann.org/applications/ for a list of these groups), or other advocacy or interest groups.

The ALAC is responsible for appointing 5 delegates to the Nominating Committee -- one from each geographic region. The ALAC seeks Nominating Committee delegates who are:

-- Accomplished persons of integrity, objectivity, and intelligence, with reputations for sound judgment and open minds, and with experience and competence with collegial large group decision-making;

-- Persons with wide contacts, broad experience in the Internet community, and a commitment to the success of ICANN;

-- Persons whom the selecting body is confident will consult widely and accept input in carrying out their responsibilities;

-- Persons who are neutral and objective, without any fixed personal commitments to particular individuals, organizations, or commercial objectives in carrying out their Nominating Committee responsibilities;

-- Persons with an understanding of ICANN's mission and the potential impact of ICANN's activities on the broader Internet community who are willing to serve as volunteers, without compensation other than the reimbursement of certain expenses; and

-- Persons who are able to work and communicate in written and spoken English.