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Re: [alac] Internal meetings agenda

At 06:24 a.m. 28/11/2004, Vittorio Bertola wrote:
I am trying to draft the agenda for our internal meetings. Here is a list of
items I have so far in no particular order - please comment and make
additions; we could start our first meeting by ordering and prioritizing the

- Public meeting agenda
- Review and prioritization of ALAC member candidates
- GNSO liaison
- Internal performance review
- IDN (document and workshop)
- WSIS (workshop, WGIG)
- NomCom 2005
- Whois TF3
- Auctions of expired domains
- ICANN strategic plan
- Staff support in global offices
- RALO / outreach
- Meeting with Paul Twomey
- Meeting with J.J. Damlamian
- Meeting with Ombudsman?
The Soccer Cup in Buenos Aires.


vb.               [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<------
http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblòg...