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[alac] [Fwd: [dow3tf] Fwd: Re: ccTLD information on the Whois issue]

FYI. The CENTR document is especially interesting.

-------- Messaggio Originale  --------
Oggetto: [dow3tf] Fwd: Re: ccTLD information on the Whois issue
Data: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 17:55:06 -0500
Da: Brian Darville <BDARVILLE@xxxxxxxxx>
A: <dow3tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

We have obtained some information from CENTR regarding its WHOIS efforts.

Elisabeth Porteneuve <Elisabeth.Porteneuve@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 03/10/04 05:51PM >>>

Dear Glen,
Dear Brian,

The CENTR working document on Whois and Data Protection requirements,
EU Privacy, consumer's rights (4 Feb 2004) is now publicly available at

The Whois presentations given to the ccTLD meetings in Rome by
Jean-Christophe Vignes was based on the CENTR working document, see

The CENTR members have been considering:

1. the Data Protection in the European Union:
which are citizen-oriented "What are your rights as a citizen?"

and two OECD documents:

http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/46/38/2505946.pdf, Comparing Domain
Name Administration in OECD Countries, DSTI/ICCP/TISP(2002)11/FINAL
(8 Apr 2003),
also at CENTR website at http://www.centr.org/meetings/ga-21/OECD.pdf
Consumer Policy Considerations On The Importance Of Accurate And
Available Whois Data, DSTI/CP(2003)1/FINAL (2 Jun 2003), in English
and French,
also at CENTR website at

My comment to the Whois issue in Europe is following:

European Eunion is in the process of harmonization of the laws.
All ccTLD registries withing European Union must comply
with national law, and transposed EU directives.

Important is making consumers aware of their rights, and giving
them easy access to exercise their rights.

The bulk access to the whois databases is not allowed in Europe.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions,
Kind regards,

Dear Elisabeth,

Brian Darville, Whois task force 3 chair asked me to find out from you
whether you had any news about a Centr report on Whois policy. Whether such
a report exists and whether the task force would eventually be able to have
access to it, or any report on the Whois issue.

Thank you very much.
GNSO Secretariat

.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo vb.
Vittorio Bertola - vb [a] bertola.eu.org
http://bertola.eu.org/    <-- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblog!