[fwd] [council] Final Resolution regarding Verisign Registry Site Finder Service (from: gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Thomas Roessler <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
At-Large Advisory Committee: http://alac.info/
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From: GNSO SECRETARIAT <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: council <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 16:52:12 +0200
Subject: [council] Final Resolution regarding Verisign Registry Site Finder
Reply-To: gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[To: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
GNSO Council teleconference 25 September 2003.
Item 4. Issues associated with Verisign's introduction of wild card entries
(*.com and *.net in the .com and .net zonefile)
Final Resolution regarding Verisign Registry Site Finder Service proposed by
Marilyn Cade and voted on by Council:
Whereas, on September 15, 2003, VeriSign Registry introduced a wild card
service into .com and .net zones that creates a registry-synthesized address
record in response to look ups of domain names that are not present in the
zone. This service changes the routing of traffic by directing traffic that
would have otherwise resulted in a 'no domain' notification to the "sender"
to a VeriSign operated web site with search results and links to paid
Whereas the IAB commentary published its architectural Concerns on the use
of DNS wildcards on 19 September 2003. (LINK)
Whereas VeriSign Registry on 21 September 2003, responded to Paul Twomey,
President and CEO, ICANN, acknowledging ICANN's advisory and declining to
suspend the service until they (VeriSign) has an opportunity to collect and
review available data.
Whereas the Security and Stability Advisory Committee, 22 September 2003,has
published its recommendations at www.icann.org
Therefore, the gNSO Council:
Supports ICANN's actions to
1) monitor community reaction and experiences with the new service
2) request advice from the Security and Stability Advisory Committee and
from the IAB on the impact of change introduced by the registry service of
3) encourages broad participation by the community in the upcoming meeting
hosted by the Security and Stability Advisory Committee
Pledges to
1) Support the recommendation of of the Security and Stability Advisory
Committee, 22 September
2) work cooperatively to ensure full opportunity to fully understand the
service, its implications for the DNS, and any implications for the need for
policy development within the scope of the gNSO.
The motion carried, 17 votes in support 6 abstaining votes.
GNSO Secretariat
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